Thursday, September 8, 2016

story of today

Assalamu'alaykum wr wb..

My activities today was so crowd..
Firstly, I arrived at campus at around 7:19, then I went to C building to meet mba Widya, then she hadn't arrived. I went to campus early because mba Widya said that on Thursday she would come in the morning. Apparently, she didn't come at campus, then she asked me to send email the file of Lembar Pertanggungjawaban. Then she asked me to scan the lembar pengesahan, so she could put her sign in the space place. When I had arrived at Bintang Timur, she canceled to ask me scan. I had to ask sign to mas Yuda to replace her sign. Before I stepped from the scan place of Bintang Timur, Ifa came, and she she asked me to wait her, then accompany her to ask sign someone. she said that I could do interesting something. Whaaat, no no no. I didn't want to be ashamed :""

Okay I still wait her to print out the page of 2, there was space of sign for ifa, andri, and the person. I just waited the reply from mba Widya and offered the assignment of histo uro which had been in the Bintang Timur. Then, she also printed the histo assignment.

Then, Ifa went to B building, I ignored to go with her, besides I had to meet mas Yuda, I would meet the person if I accompanied ifa.

Mas Yuda was in the C building, I went there. While mas Yuda took a photo of cover LPJ schwann then sent it to mba Widya via line, he also chatted with someone. Before finished checking, he had to go, he was kind because when he would have an activities, he also paid attention to my LPJ, masya Allah, then he gave the LPJ to mas Karno, at mas Yuda's right side. Mas Karno checked, he saw that there hadn't been lampiran nota-nota. I asked I had put the realisasi dana in the table, input and output. he ignored, he asked the nota-nota. Ooooh, then I just could say ooooh, so it should be like that. I was speechless. there was no chat. Then I free called Ara, she was at home, she gave me the direction to reach her house from highway, then toward Masjid Agung Jawa Tengah. It was my first time driving the car on that race. Before reaching her house, I got traffic light. I focused on where the straight way I had to take. I didn't see the traffic light. Apparently, the light had been red, so I was in the first line of the traffic. I didn't know that it had been red. So I stopped passed the stop limit. Astaghfirullah..

Then alhamdulillah, I had been met Ara. I got all the bill. Then Ifa called me via line, that I had to go to mosque. She didn't know that I went to Ara's house. When I had arrived at A building, I met mas Karno, when he saw the bill hadn't been stamped on the paper, he asked me to stamp them. because he wanted to go to kos, I asked so where I had to ask sign. He asked me to ask mas Yuda's sign. Mas Yuda was with mas Grady also. Ok, I said. I stamped the bill on some paper. I piled up some bill in a same places of paper, then I pilled up other bill in a same paper, but different place.

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