Wednesday, September 7, 2016

let's continue

Assalamu'alaykum wr wb...

On Monday morning, buntutut and I went to Bogor city. My home is at Bogor kabupaten. We wanted to buy manset, for me and mba aur. While we arrived at junction exit highway, we saw a opak seller, then we bought it. In front of us, we saw a tahu sumedang seller, we also bought it. Because all of them are characteristic of Bogor, so we bought it to take nostalgia hehe :)

Then because of far distance to take turn over to highway again, so buntutut waited me in the car. I walked to the Al-Amin, (the shop of my manset hehe). I was nostalgia at that time. I saw a "1000 angkot" city.

I took that photos from bridge crossing.

Then I saw Asinan, a characteristic of Bogor

After I arrived, I saw that the shop was closed. There was an announcement. For Monday-Thusday, Saturday, Sunday : closed dzuhur 12:00 - 12:45. I came at 12:05 :")

While waiting opened, I bought asinan for buntutut. In front of asinan, there was talas shop. Talas is typical of Bogor.

I went home. There is Roti unyil and Tugu Kujang. Tugu Kujang is an icon of Bogor City.

There was a tugu also, but it's not typical, it's just showed symbol of Bogor.

Then, buntutut an I got back home. Actually, I still had a desire to buy lumpia basah, cireng. Lumpia basah is really characteristic of Bogor. Cireng, was not really, but Cireng Bogor is yummy. Alhamdulillah near my house there was an event which many parents came to their children's pesantren. Masya Allah, alhamdulillah :"")

Lumpia Basah



Asinan Bogor

While waiting Al-Amin shop opened, I chatted with Intan, my elementary school friend. We agreed to meet up in the evening before I got back to Semarang, alhamdulillah she could. I went to her house at 5:15 pm, Sunday. We cheat chat about our condition. Intan's mom also gave us advice to keep up the silaturahim. Then, because ova at that time, gave a chat at Annisa group about Hijab, then I used one of the option picture of Hijab Caption, Hijabku Hijrahku.

Then before Maghrib, I went home. Alhamdulillah, thank you Intan, I was so sorry, we met in a short minutes :""

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