Friday, September 23, 2016

hehe thanks :")

Assalamu'alaykum wr wb..

hiii :)
alhamdulillah, if I remembered that moment, I was laughing alone hehe :)

at that time, when I saw you was at stairs, I immediately turned my face to the left. in my heart, whaaat, why you was there? :""
then you walked toward outside, then you stopped in the door, you asked us whether we went to Festa or not. the we said insya Allah. after that you replied, diajakin itu mba rahma, i said yeaah. in my heart why he should say that in front of us, and why he just asked about Festa, then mentioned my name :"""

but remembering that, I was a bit happy hehe :)

thank you :)

barakallah :)

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