Tuesday, September 6, 2016

I'm sorry, too late

Assalamu'alaykum wr wb..

I'm sorry, it's been too long I didn't post anything in this blog. I was a bit busy on recent days.

Alhamdulillah I arrived at Bogor at 5:30 am. It meant, mas Iqbal, buntutut, mba asih, and I took 9 hours for our trip from Semarang to Bogor. We had a bit crowded at a some places. However, mas Iqbal had driven the car fast and non stop. Non stop meant he wasn't replaced by anyone to drive the car, then when he got sleepy, he just drank warm coffee at Rest Area, where I post photo at rest area Cikopo highway. Besides me, after I ate, not a long time I fell asleep, Astaghfirullah :"

On Saturday morning in Bogor, buntutut and I went to Kecamatan office to make e-KTP.
Alhamdulillah, making e-KTP was finished.
I also chatted Niken, my junior high school friend; Fitri, my Primagama friend; Ritma, my junior high school friend also. Unfortunately Fitri and Ritma couldn't meet me because they had activities. Ehmmm actually I was sad :""
Niken hadn't replied me.

I opened my hand phone around at 2 pm. I saw that Niken replied me that she wanted to invite other friends. Besides Niken, Ika (Rifka) also chatted me asking my condition, then I ask her to gather with Niken and me. They invited me to gather at 4 pm, unfortunately, Ika didn't give respond in the group chat, just Damay, Niken, and me who chatted at group. At that time, it was raining also.

Around 5:30 pm Ika had just replied. She agreed that we went to Cibinong City Mall to meet up.

Bogor, still a rainy city, the rain was still going on, heavy then subside. It was still going on until ba'da maghrib, time that we agreed to meet up at CCM. At group, Ika didn't active again. While waiting subside, Damay prayed Isya first at home. However, Niken and me went to CCM. toward Isya, Ika replied chat at group, and she shocked that we meet up at Maghrib, she thought that it was canceled.

Finally we met, then we ate at Bakso Lapangan Tembak, after that we went to the photo box but unfortunately it had been closed. Then because tomorrow we couldn't meet, so we decided to take a photo in the outside of photo box. We wanted to take photo at Cinema, but Niken's sister wanted to Gramedia, so we went to Gramedia, then Ika's father asked the time when she would go home. Eventually, we took photo at Gramedia. Apparently, our missing feeling made the total of photos are big. We took photo 45, masya Allah :"") hehe :)

then we went home, ya Allah alhamdulillah we could meet :"")
Unfortunately, we couldn't meet Hanny, Tami, and Citra :"""

The story of tomorrow is continuing.

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