Thursday, September 29, 2016

nda jelas, astaghfirullah :"

Assalamu'alaykum wr wb...

sesampainya di ruang kulpak tadi pagi, duduk, melihat beliau, kenapa tiba-tiba aku sedih yaa :""
kadang bisa ditahan tapi kadang nda bisa :""
rasanya itu tiba2 perasaan jadi nda enak, nda tau kenapa :""

beliau itu lembuuut bangeeet orangnya..
aku pernah sms beliau untuk mengisi di schwann tapi beliau nda bisa karena setiap weekend beliau kuliah, masya Allah :"""
masya Allah bangeeet, sms nya ke aku tuh kerasa kalau beliau itu orangnya memang lembut :""

nda tau aku kepikiran apa, cuma bisa mendengarkan suara beliau, sambil ngelihat slide beliau, sesekali ngelihat beliau, sosok bapaknya tuh masya Allah banget :""

ternyata waktu ibu jemput aku ke kampus, aku dapet cerita duka, kalau temen laki2 ibu di kantor Purworejo dulu meninggal dunia, innalillahi wa innailaihi roji'un :"" aku jg kenal dengan beliau dan keluarga, kami sekeluarga memang raada deket dengan beliau beserta keluarga, beliau meninggal sekitar jam 13.30..

hati sikap aku masih nda enak terus sampai alhamdulillah udah dirumah baru mendingan..

rada ngebut di jalan, nda ngebut sih kayanya cuma nda menikmati perjalanan aja, nda tau kenapa..

habis nganter ibu ke bandara, ditelpon ayah beberapa kali dalam waktu yg berdekatan karena nunggu ibu blm ada kabar kenapa blm bisa dihubungi karena kalau jadwal semestinya ibu udah sampai jakarta. aku cuma bisa bilang, iya yah nanti aku cek sms ibu tadi udah di pesawat jam brp. sampai mba asih juga ditelpon. sampai di rumah aku mau nelpon ayah, ternyata ayah nelpon mba asih. aku mau kasih tau kalau ibu sms aku kalau ibu di pesawat itu jam 16.15. ayah baru rada lega karena berarti memang saat itu (sekitar maghrib semarang) ibu blm bisa dihubungi.

trus malah dapet kabar kurang enak dari ifa :"""
syafakillah ya fa ({{{}}}) :""

alhamdulillah skrg lebih lega hatinya :"")

Tuesday, September 27, 2016


Assalamu'alaykum wr wb...

bingung mau nulis apa..
tuunggu ya..

barakallah :)

Sunday, September 25, 2016

ini juga :")

Assalamu'alaykum wr wb..

Terimakasih Tuhan, OST Joshua oh Joshua

terima kasih Tuhan kuucapkan atas bimbingan dan karuniaMu
sehingga aku bisa mengatasi segala cobaan, namun aku tetap ingat padaMu
terima kasih Ibu dan Bapakku, atas dorongan semangatmu
sehingga aku bisa tetap bersekolah, meski rasanya sungguh susah
terima kasih juga guru-guruku yang tak pernah lelah mengajariku
terima kasih juga teman-temanku, yang tak pernah henti menghiburku
terima kasih Tuhan kuucapkan hari ini kau beri kebanggaan,
semoga berakhirlah segala penderitaan, yang hampir tak bisa lagi ku katakan
terima kasih juga guru-guruku yang tak pernah lelah mengajariku
terima kasih juga teman-temanku, yang tak pernah henti menghiburku 

nostalgia :"))

Assalamu'alaykum wr wb..

jo* Jika teman bahagia hatinya 
Jika teman bersuka hatinya
Ikutlah bersuka cita turutlah merasakan bahagia dengannya
girl* Jika temanmu bergembiraaa
Jika temanmu senang hatinya 
Rasakan getaran sukanya turutlah menjadi bagian darinya
all* Jangan hey jangan jangan sedih melihat teman bahagia
Jangan hey jangan jangan bahagia melihat teman bersedih
Sirik itu namanya
Sirik tak baik adanya
Sirik tanda tak mampu
Sirik buang jauh jauh
jika temanmu sedang berduka 
jika temanmu sedih hatinya
Hiburlah hatinya buatlah agar dia selalu merasa gembira
girl* Jika temanmu bergembiraaa
Jika temanmu senang hatinya 
Rasakan getaran sukanya turutlah menjadi bagian darinya
all* Jangan hey jangan jangan sedih melihat teman bahagia
Jangan hey jangan jangan bahagia melihat teman bersedih
Sirik itu namanya
Sirik tak baik adanya
Sirik tanda tak mampu
Sirik buang jauh jauh
jika temanmu sedang berduka 
jika temanmu sedih hatinya
Hiburlah hatinya buatlah agar dia selalu merasa gembira
jika temanmu sedang berduka 
jika temanmu sedih hatinya
Hiburlah hatinya buatlah agar dia selalu merasa gembira

Saturday, September 24, 2016


Assalamu'alaykum wr wb...

I'm so sorry, I had felt to much more :""

I think, Dr. Leo said was true, 2 years 1 mubes had a benefit because the leader of BAI knew the false and anything should do in the future event without changing the principles :)
The leader of BAI, should be 1 person for 2 years, but the other chief could be changed from senior 1 year to Junior 1 year.

Keep spirit, choose the right person ask to Allah, insya Allah the chosen person is right :)

Believe it, the person who helps good development for Islam, Allah will make our activities easy :)

Barakallah :)

Friday, September 23, 2016

hehe thanks :")

Assalamu'alaykum wr wb..

hiii :)
alhamdulillah, if I remembered that moment, I was laughing alone hehe :)

at that time, when I saw you was at stairs, I immediately turned my face to the left. in my heart, whaaat, why you was there? :""
then you walked toward outside, then you stopped in the door, you asked us whether we went to Festa or not. the we said insya Allah. after that you replied, diajakin itu mba rahma, i said yeaah. in my heart why he should say that in front of us, and why he just asked about Festa, then mentioned my name :"""

but remembering that, I was a bit happy hehe :)

thank you :)

barakallah :)

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

semangaat yuuk :)

Assalamu'alayukum wr wb..

hii :)

ehm hehe

Assalamu'alaykum wr wb...

kecelik sama tanggal dorah, aku kira kemarin senin :""
aku tanya santika ternyata tgl 27 :"
btw aku blm pernah donor, mau nyoba..
selama ini mau tapi nda bisa krn Hb :"" 

how was your day?
be youself, useful, and barakallah :)

Sunday, September 18, 2016

tiba tiba :"""

Assalamu'alaykum wr wb..

pagi ini, jam 3 kurang, Engkau bangunkan hamba..
ada apa dengan hati ini ya Allah :"""
hamba bangun dan tiba-tiba rasanya sediiiih, entah apa sebabnya..
ya Allah ya Rabb :"""
astaghfirullah hal 'adzim, hamba lemah tanpaMu ya Allah :""
padahal aku cuma mimpi dipanggil "mba rahma"
trus tiba-tiba aku bangun dan sediiiiih banget rasanya :""""
mungkin hati ini kangen dengan Engkau ya Allah :""

sudah beberapa hari tidak shalat karena berhalangan, membuat hati terasa jauh padaMu :""
tapi bener-bener ini pertama kalinya aku ngerasa begini

biasanya aku memang suka sedih tanpa sebab yg aku ketahui, tapi setelah aku cerita ke ayah ibu, ternyata ada sesuatu memang di keluarga besar..

waktu itu, aku di SMA, masih di sekolah, lagi nda kenapa-kenapa, pagi-pagi sebelum mulai jam sekolah, waktu aku duduk di ruang kelas, tiba2 aku sediiiih banget rasanya :"""
aku nda kuat, aku netesin air mata terus, padahal aku nda tau sebabnya apa :""
trus akhirnya aku telpon ibu, aku bilang kalau aku sedih bangeet, tp nda tau kenapa :"
trus ibu jawab, "mungkin karena ayah dapet SK pindah kerja di Pekanbaru"
ya Allah :"""
jadi ternyata karena itu :"""
waktu itu aku, ibu, mba asih di bogor, mas Iqbal di semarang kuliah, ayah dipindah ke Pekanbaru..

alhamdulillah, hati ini akhirnya lega :"""

tapi sekarang aku nda tau sebab aku sedih knp :"""

Thursday, September 15, 2016

ketauaaan, ngapain hayyoo hehe :)

Assalamu'alaykum wr wb...

in the end of kulpak, when I was discussing about kulpak with mba muti, I saw you were standing in front of ruang kulpak's door, bringing some red books, and talking with someone who would get out from ruang kulpak. Then some minutes later, I saw you looked at or looked for something at ruang kulpak..

What were you doing at that time? hehehe :)

it's funny to see your behavior. Sometimes when I saw you a little far, I wanna see; a little near, I wanna stifle a laugh hehe :")

I'm sorry if I'd hurted anyone, or anything :"

Assalamu'alaykum wr wb...

I was so sorry if I just could smile or reply briefly to your statement :""

be as usual :)

I don't want to hurt anyone, I'm sorry if I had destroyed, or anything :""

just be myself :)
barakallah for you :)

how are you? :)

Assalamu'alaykum wr wb..

ehm.. haiii :)
how are you?
how was your day recently?
how was your academic?

I was a bit sad, but it's never mind, I should continue the next activities :")
I didn't pass pretest of histo :"

Ok, that's never mind..
How about you?
I hope we always can take the positive side from any result :")

Friday, September 9, 2016


Assalamu'alaykum wr wb..

then because I had to fix the lampiran nota, I went to mosque, because ifa had waited me there, and adzan would be listened. I wanted to ask help ifa to stamp the nota after praying dzuhur. Then we went to rektorat, I took some papers from car, then we stamped them. We made an commitment, ifa helped me to stamp, I accompanied her to buy books at Stadium.I also needed to go to tailor around Pleburan. Then ifa bought a glass of juice. Then we went back to Unissula because I didn't want to go Unissula on Friday. I wanted to finish the lembar pertanggungjawaban. I had to take it on mba Santi. We prayed ashar at ABA. Then Alhamdulillah I could take it and get Bu Andriana ' pride to BAI. Then ifa and I took photos because we wore same color cloth, pink - pink - black.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

story of today

Assalamu'alaykum wr wb..

My activities today was so crowd..
Firstly, I arrived at campus at around 7:19, then I went to C building to meet mba Widya, then she hadn't arrived. I went to campus early because mba Widya said that on Thursday she would come in the morning. Apparently, she didn't come at campus, then she asked me to send email the file of Lembar Pertanggungjawaban. Then she asked me to scan the lembar pengesahan, so she could put her sign in the space place. When I had arrived at Bintang Timur, she canceled to ask me scan. I had to ask sign to mas Yuda to replace her sign. Before I stepped from the scan place of Bintang Timur, Ifa came, and she she asked me to wait her, then accompany her to ask sign someone. she said that I could do interesting something. Whaaat, no no no. I didn't want to be ashamed :""

Okay I still wait her to print out the page of 2, there was space of sign for ifa, andri, and the person. I just waited the reply from mba Widya and offered the assignment of histo uro which had been in the Bintang Timur. Then, she also printed the histo assignment.

Then, Ifa went to B building, I ignored to go with her, besides I had to meet mas Yuda, I would meet the person if I accompanied ifa.

Mas Yuda was in the C building, I went there. While mas Yuda took a photo of cover LPJ schwann then sent it to mba Widya via line, he also chatted with someone. Before finished checking, he had to go, he was kind because when he would have an activities, he also paid attention to my LPJ, masya Allah, then he gave the LPJ to mas Karno, at mas Yuda's right side. Mas Karno checked, he saw that there hadn't been lampiran nota-nota. I asked I had put the realisasi dana in the table, input and output. he ignored, he asked the nota-nota. Ooooh, then I just could say ooooh, so it should be like that. I was speechless. there was no chat. Then I free called Ara, she was at home, she gave me the direction to reach her house from highway, then toward Masjid Agung Jawa Tengah. It was my first time driving the car on that race. Before reaching her house, I got traffic light. I focused on where the straight way I had to take. I didn't see the traffic light. Apparently, the light had been red, so I was in the first line of the traffic. I didn't know that it had been red. So I stopped passed the stop limit. Astaghfirullah..

Then alhamdulillah, I had been met Ara. I got all the bill. Then Ifa called me via line, that I had to go to mosque. She didn't know that I went to Ara's house. When I had arrived at A building, I met mas Karno, when he saw the bill hadn't been stamped on the paper, he asked me to stamp them. because he wanted to go to kos, I asked so where I had to ask sign. He asked me to ask mas Yuda's sign. Mas Yuda was with mas Grady also. Ok, I said. I stamped the bill on some paper. I piled up some bill in a same places of paper, then I pilled up other bill in a same paper, but different place.

salah satu sunnah Jumat, bismillah :)

Assalamu'alaykum wr wb...

tomorrow is Jumat, let's do the sunnah :)

I like it, alhamdulillah, masya Allah :")

Assalamu'alaykum wr wb..

Waktu workshop kemarin selasa.. ko bisa ya hari ini pakai baju pink - pink - hitam sama kaya ifa persis, nda janjian padahl, masya Allah :"")

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

let's continue

Assalamu'alaykum wr wb...

On Monday morning, buntutut and I went to Bogor city. My home is at Bogor kabupaten. We wanted to buy manset, for me and mba aur. While we arrived at junction exit highway, we saw a opak seller, then we bought it. In front of us, we saw a tahu sumedang seller, we also bought it. Because all of them are characteristic of Bogor, so we bought it to take nostalgia hehe :)

Then because of far distance to take turn over to highway again, so buntutut waited me in the car. I walked to the Al-Amin, (the shop of my manset hehe). I was nostalgia at that time. I saw a "1000 angkot" city.

I took that photos from bridge crossing.

Then I saw Asinan, a characteristic of Bogor

After I arrived, I saw that the shop was closed. There was an announcement. For Monday-Thusday, Saturday, Sunday : closed dzuhur 12:00 - 12:45. I came at 12:05 :")

While waiting opened, I bought asinan for buntutut. In front of asinan, there was talas shop. Talas is typical of Bogor.

I went home. There is Roti unyil and Tugu Kujang. Tugu Kujang is an icon of Bogor City.

There was a tugu also, but it's not typical, it's just showed symbol of Bogor.

Then, buntutut an I got back home. Actually, I still had a desire to buy lumpia basah, cireng. Lumpia basah is really characteristic of Bogor. Cireng, was not really, but Cireng Bogor is yummy. Alhamdulillah near my house there was an event which many parents came to their children's pesantren. Masya Allah, alhamdulillah :"")

Lumpia Basah



Asinan Bogor

While waiting Al-Amin shop opened, I chatted with Intan, my elementary school friend. We agreed to meet up in the evening before I got back to Semarang, alhamdulillah she could. I went to her house at 5:15 pm, Sunday. We cheat chat about our condition. Intan's mom also gave us advice to keep up the silaturahim. Then, because ova at that time, gave a chat at Annisa group about Hijab, then I used one of the option picture of Hijab Caption, Hijabku Hijrahku.

Then before Maghrib, I went home. Alhamdulillah, thank you Intan, I was so sorry, we met in a short minutes :""

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

I'm sorry, too late

Assalamu'alaykum wr wb..

I'm sorry, it's been too long I didn't post anything in this blog. I was a bit busy on recent days.

Alhamdulillah I arrived at Bogor at 5:30 am. It meant, mas Iqbal, buntutut, mba asih, and I took 9 hours for our trip from Semarang to Bogor. We had a bit crowded at a some places. However, mas Iqbal had driven the car fast and non stop. Non stop meant he wasn't replaced by anyone to drive the car, then when he got sleepy, he just drank warm coffee at Rest Area, where I post photo at rest area Cikopo highway. Besides me, after I ate, not a long time I fell asleep, Astaghfirullah :"

On Saturday morning in Bogor, buntutut and I went to Kecamatan office to make e-KTP.
Alhamdulillah, making e-KTP was finished.
I also chatted Niken, my junior high school friend; Fitri, my Primagama friend; Ritma, my junior high school friend also. Unfortunately Fitri and Ritma couldn't meet me because they had activities. Ehmmm actually I was sad :""
Niken hadn't replied me.

I opened my hand phone around at 2 pm. I saw that Niken replied me that she wanted to invite other friends. Besides Niken, Ika (Rifka) also chatted me asking my condition, then I ask her to gather with Niken and me. They invited me to gather at 4 pm, unfortunately, Ika didn't give respond in the group chat, just Damay, Niken, and me who chatted at group. At that time, it was raining also.

Around 5:30 pm Ika had just replied. She agreed that we went to Cibinong City Mall to meet up.

Bogor, still a rainy city, the rain was still going on, heavy then subside. It was still going on until ba'da maghrib, time that we agreed to meet up at CCM. At group, Ika didn't active again. While waiting subside, Damay prayed Isya first at home. However, Niken and me went to CCM. toward Isya, Ika replied chat at group, and she shocked that we meet up at Maghrib, she thought that it was canceled.

Finally we met, then we ate at Bakso Lapangan Tembak, after that we went to the photo box but unfortunately it had been closed. Then because tomorrow we couldn't meet, so we decided to take a photo in the outside of photo box. We wanted to take photo at Cinema, but Niken's sister wanted to Gramedia, so we went to Gramedia, then Ika's father asked the time when she would go home. Eventually, we took photo at Gramedia. Apparently, our missing feeling made the total of photos are big. We took photo 45, masya Allah :"") hehe :)

then we went home, ya Allah alhamdulillah we could meet :"")
Unfortunately, we couldn't meet Hanny, Tami, and Citra :"""

The story of tomorrow is continuing.