Tuesday, August 23, 2016

today :")

Assalamu'alaykum wr wb...

Since in the morning, I had doubt to give or don't give permit to dr. Yuli that I didn't take Malaria Station osce. First, I asked mba Mia, she said that I didn't have to permit to dr. Yuli but she also thought if I was looked for by dr. Yuli. However, she preferred to not ask permit.  Ok..
Then I asked mba Lela to ask permit for my station, but she didn't take today's osce. I remembered that mas Dikho was same with me at Malaria station. Then I asked mas Dikho, but unfortunately, he had arrived at home..

Then I came back to lab, I asked the recommendation to Dicky. He recommended me to confirm with dr. Yuli.

Then I went to A building, I was confuse, whether I had to confirm or menot.

I asked to mba Ai, in front of A building, She recommended me also to give confirmation to dr. Yuli.

Then I went to 3rd floor. Before I reached the 3rd floor I met Mas Teguh, then I asked about my condition, whether I confirm to dr. Yuli or not, then he said that a boy also didn't take the remidi who actually registered. In my heart, whaaat, why he was also same with me. But, he said that if I didn't really sure with my opinion, I should permit to dr. Yuli.

Then I stepped some floor, I reached into 3rd floor, I was asked by Pak siapa gitu, temennya Pak Kamto pokonya. he asked why to me. I just answered that I wanted to meet dr. Yuli. he said, you just meet dr. Yuli, what's the matter.

Then I saw dr. Yuli still had a discussion with all lectures. I just could raise my hand, I couldn't say anything. Alhamdulillah she looked at me. She stepped toward me. she asked me, what's wrong, then I said my condition. She asked whether my name was called recently, I answered that I didn't know because I'd just right there. Then I saw him over the skill/osce room. Whaaat, he called me also,, whaaat, he looked like so long not see me, so he called me. Just be normal or usual in my heart, I just thought about permit to dr. Yuli. I hope that dr. Yuli was not angry to me. Alhamdulillah dr. Yuli was not angry to me, even she said thank you to me because I'd been minimized person who took remidi. After I wrote my name, my NIM, and the station which was canceled, I gave the paper to dr. Yuli back. Then I got down to boichemist lab.

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