Saturday, August 6, 2016

the continuance

Assalamu'alaykum wr wb...

ifa and mba Yuli came at mba Aur's room. Rera bought a wrap of nasi rames of Bu Tun (across of mba Aur's kos) before we went to Demak. We started at around 9 am from mba Aur's kos. I saw gandos in front of Pak Botak's fotocopy. I bought it hehe :) Then Ifa bought bubur in front of Indomaret Genuk. After that we went to SPBU across Unissula, to refill fuel.

Bismillah, we went to Demak.

I took u-turn below the tol, there was some polices there. Rera, mba Yuli, mba Aur shouted at me.  there was no sign of forbidden to take u-turn. They said that there was some polices. They asked me whether the polices ran toward us. No calm down please. I didn't violate sign. Perhaps they hadn't ever seen motor or car rider who did that, but I ever. I also saw that there was no forbidden sign.

Our destination was Demak Great Mosque. Mba Yuli sat besides me because she would be my navigator. She said that the mosque is in the city of Demak. Ok..

Music is on..
We cheat chat about all things..
that was our first trip..

After some minutes passed, ifa said that hanif was at mangrove, demak.
All my friends were noisy..

SHHHHHTT, let them there.. Please calm down. In my front, there was a bus which stopped in a sudden. Then rera said, please calm firstly, look at our front, poor rahma, she said to be careful at me. Finally, they focus on our trip.
Now, we wanted to go there also? I asked. We wanted to go to the mosque or mangrove first? 
I asked, where the location of mangrove.
Ifa said that mangrove was at sayung, demak. She knew because yesterday she had searched about mangrove.
Mba yuli told that the way to the mosque was still far. She recommended us to take turn to mangrove.
Ok, I answered.
Then I asked, please search the location of mangrove by GPS.
Ifa did that.

I got u-turn, I turned there, then we got straight.
Then I said, we went home :D
Mba Aur or Rera said that we should upload that we had been at Demak previously.
Hehehe :D

some meters in front, by GPS, we should turn right. I was shocked, I didn't give sign a long way before we took turn. However alhamdulillah there was a car which also wanted to take turn from my opposing directions and my back truck was not really near with me.

Actually I wondered whether the way was true. I asked ifa, she said yes.

all along our way was an off road. sometimes, Our right and left was water so we believed that the way is right. along our way made us grate with all things we had. We felt that we were passing inland. we discussed about dedication for citizens which in the location was no doctor or paramedic. We took around 15 minutes until we were at the end of way.
I saw a man riding a car. I opened my window and asked about location of wisata mangrove. He said that I had been too far. He told me that the location was before Jami Mosque. I asked him what the color of the mosque. I was a bit remember that there was a mosque in the left side way (from Unissula), but I wanted to ensure the mosque by asking the color of mosque. He looked confuse to give explanation for us. He offered to guide the way to go to the location. I asked him, where you wanted to go. I just said, really :"? Masya Allah :""" Alhamdulillah, subhanallah :"")
I had to take turn there because we should get out from the way. The road was not plain and narrow. If I took front too much, we would get swamp.
Alhamdulillah, it wasn't.

We all admired at him :"""
He was so kind :"""

He was patient waiting us because we had to pass children walking, people riding motorcycle. Alhdmulillah we didn't pass a car because the space for taking aside was seldom. We saw a mom who brought her child from home to the road, by passing a swamp first. The swamp looked like a rice field which had water too much.
Astaghfirullah, masya Allah :""

Then we across the way, it was same with direction to Unissula. After a bridge he stopped in front of alfamart in the left side way. I was shocked, then I took left slowly. I stopped in front of a factory. The man got toward us. Then I took some money that we had prepared, he explained that I had to take turn in front, then turn left at there while pointed at the chocolate signpost of Wisata Bahari. I said oh ok, makasih mas. Ini buat mas nya. The man ignored to receive the money. After I persuaded around 5 times, finally I could give him, by saying for buying fuel. Alhamdulillah.. masya Allah :""" You are so kiiinddd, sincere :"""
At the last persuading, ifa and mba aur went toward me, they wanted to persuade also, but alhamdulillah he wanted to receive the money :"""

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