Sunday, August 7, 2016


Assalamu'alaykum wr wb...

Mas Iqbal, buntutut, and I went to Jogja at 13:00 from Semarang. Actually the plan came at 12:15. Buntutut asked permit at that time to ayantut. He agreed, then we went after dzuhur and some preparations. We wanted to visit mother of my uncle at Bethesda hospital.
Alhamdulillah we arrived there at 17:00.

We met the mother then we talked about her condition.

Poor her :""
some weeks ago, buntutut and I visit their home at Loano, because the husband of mother passed away :""

We got back to Semarang around maghrib.

Actually I wanna take a selfie at Tugu Jogja, but we can't do that because we need lon time for reaching Semarang.

Alhamdulillah we arrived at home, at 21:45

Thank you verryyyy much mas Iqbal, you drove the car all along our journey :""))

*It was our habit to not plan every journey from some days ago hehehe
*If we plan the journey well, sometimes we didn't do the journey

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