Saturday, August 6, 2016

the unplanned travelling

Assalamu'alaykum wr wb...

After we had finished osce examination, I went to ifa's kos because buntutut hadn't been able to pick me up at around 14:15. As usual, buntutut can pick me up around 16:30. Then, we went to phone's service. Ifa put her phone there. She wanted to know when she could take the phone. Apparently, the phone couldn't be fixed because the her phone's machine was broken. Then, we bought seblak. It took a quite long time to make seblak.
We had a focus conversation about going to a place.
We discussed it in the ma'annajah group, which there is mba lela, deta, mislisa, esti, rera, ifa, and I.
firstly, Rera asked me to go to some places for refreshing.
I dind't really focus on the group, because at that time I wanted to eat the seblak.
Actually, they wanted to watch film at cinema.

However, I asked them about going to Demak because firstly, I had never been to the east such as demak, kudus, pati, moreover East Java. By face to face, Ifa and I just shared that we just knew Demak Great Mosque about Demak, but we didn't know where it is. Then ifa searched the tourists objects at Demak via internet. She got some places, the most interested on Wisata Air Demak di Pantai Morosari Demak. There was mangrove there. Actually, I was so so at that time because I just saw saw the mangrove, I thought that it would be forest, no water there. I was more interested on going together. But I was so so hearing Mangrove, a more interested on Mosque because I saw many photos of people had been there and looked happy.
It had been adzan ashar. I asked ifa to take praying at Al Muhajirin mosque. I couldn't get jamaah :"" I asked her to buy a glass of drink. She offered a juice. Then, we bought 2 glasses of juice.

We went to ifa's kos. We ate seblak and drank the juice. We also watched anime. Watching anime is her hobby because it can make her happy and be entertained. Apparently, bunututut arrived around 17:30, Alhamdulillah, I was with ifa hehe. I was delivered by ifa till the 1st intersection of genuk because I thought that it would be crowd if we passed Banget Ayu.

The conversation about going Demak didn't take a long time.
Ifa nd I dind't talk about it besides at Seblak seller.

In the other group, biochemistry laboratory wanted to buy something for uniform.
I hadn't said that I couldn't join buying it. I just said sorry, with no reason.
Ifa knew from her kos's mate, mba yuli. She asked me about buying the uniform..

Actually, I wanted to have a trip, I didn't want to buy uniform.
However, I didn't give decision about going to Demak because I had to ask buntutut whether she wanted to use for mobilization.
Ifa looked hopeless. She said that if I wanted to go to buy uniform or the car couldn't be used, was never mind. She would go home at Banjarnegara.

At home, I asked buntutut about my planning to go to Demak. I still asked mas iqbal aabout object tourist because I hadn't been really interested. I asked about Brown Canyon, he said that it was on Mranggen, it wasn't on Demak. Besides that, the view was nothing. So he didn't recommend me to go there. He was more prefer Eling Bening. He asked me to check at google about it. I was shocked that Eling Bening was on Ambarawa. I asked to buntutut about the way at Ambarawa, whether the way was ups and down. She said yes. I was hopeless. I was confused where we wanted to go.

I fell asleep while looking for object tourist at Demak, I saw the last update on my facebook was at 20:50. I didn't see my hand phone because it was low battery.

In the morning, buntutut and I went to office. I confirmed that I went to Demak, so she permitted me to drive the car by myself, if the place was Ambarawa or other difficult places, she wanted mas Iqbal to drive the car. after we arrived at office, I went to Genuk. I hadn't confirmed at ma'annajah. Mba yuli, my lab's friend said that I wanted to go to Demak. Mba Aur said that she wanted to join. I said at lab's group and ma'annajah that I was at gayamsari tol. Rera said that why I had just said at that time, where had you been since last night. I just said that I fell asleep. I just asked them to park their motorcycle at mba Aur's kos. Ifa chatted me that she wanted to put her car on her cousin's home. then I said, yes on them. I was waiting them at Al Muhajirin firstly, because I hadn't pray Dhuha. Ifa asked me to wait her.

Waiting them, I went to mba Aur's kos. Rera came. Rera and I went to mba Aur's room. We chatted together while waiting ifa and mba Yuli.

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