Monday, August 1, 2016


Assalamu'alaykum wr wb...

I got a dream last night.
At that time, I was in a village. The time was night. After an event finished, I got out from crowd, then I went to a building across the crowd. I saw fitrian hanif. Then I said to him to be careful because he wanted to go home first. At that time I also saw X. I didn't say anything to him because I had just seen X, and I didn't know where he wanted to go. I entered the building, X said that the building was... (I forgot). (In my heart) why X went toward me. Then I got out from the building, because it was so dark, I asked X where he was. I knew X's position by X's voice. Apparently X had just gone from the gate of the building. After that I wanted to go to the crowd but the gate had been locked. Then I saw him, I said, whether X had locked the gate. X said yes. Ok, I went home, while said to be careful to X. X said, yeah, you too.
Then, in the morning when I wanted to go home, I saw a cow, it was running at that time. It went toward me! :"" I ran into home, then I closed all the door.
I a bit remember, that the village, the house, was at the mbah's house in Ngombol, Purworejo.

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