Sunday, April 10, 2016

My Sat.Night

Assalamu'alaykum wr wb...

alhamdulillah, finally we could get out together at Saturday night. Actually, we wanted to go to Waroeng Steak at Imam Bonjol but because the traffic jam was totally crowed we got back to Pizza Hut in the junction of Majapahit - Fatmawati. Although the location of PH is near, the important thing is that we can gather and cheat chat :"")) Lovely moment with ayah, ibu, and mas Iqbal :"")) ({{{}}})

Although I was still having unwell condition, it didn't decrease the value of gather :"))

After we ate at PH, mas Iqbal got out to pick his girlfriend at Tembalang by motorcycle :"" 
Okay, that's never mind :))
Perhaps, his invitation to eat together was because he ignored my invitation to jalan-jalan at evening.

In other side, I was so sorry I couldn't join rakerwil :"" I was so sorry mba ratih, nafi, I couldn't accompany you :"" Barakallah mba ratih, nafi, and other delegations from Unissula (I was sorry I didn't know the ikhwan who joined) :)

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