Saturday, April 23, 2016


Assalamu'alaykum wr wb...

I was invited by Ova to take a part of medical's IMSS. Ova, Mba ratih, and I shared our experiences, opinions, and dreams. Apparently, they also wanted to go to Palembang. Waw, alhamdulillah, I was so excited knowing that. Then, we and mba Rufa went to Bandara with Ibu who also wanted to go to Jakarta, Bogor exactly. 

There were many experiences and things that I can learn from FULDFK's members :"""
They are very great and wonderful :""))

My first time seeing poster of Rakernas FULDFK, I was interested seeing the destination. Waw, that's Palembang. In my heart, how exciting went to Palembang :"" 
A few minutes later, mba Rufa sent me message via line. She invited me to go to Palembang. At that time, I agreed her invitation. I thought she was just kidding. Yet, she wasn't. She seriously invited me. What?? Then I talked about it to Ibu. She just agreed. Yet, of course she asked me who wanna follow Rakernas, what would talk about at Rakernas. 

That was an amazing experience. I could get many kind, muslihah, beautiful, and smart friends :"")
At the Wisma Jakabaring Palembang, I was accompanied by room mates. They are my seniors :")) Mba Rizka, Mba Ade, and Mba Afifah :"))

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