Friday, April 29, 2016

My actual story :""))

Assalamu'alaykum wr wb...

Firstly, dr. Muhtarom was sick :"""
He is the only one doctor who knows me although he just meet me in the kulpak's room.. Other doctor if I met him or her he or she just smiled because they were greeted. I said like that because when I got skill tutor who was dr. Muhtarom, he said that he was familiar with me. I just said that I just got kulpak from doctor. I also thought, in every kulpak from him, I was seen several times by him. I thought, it was usual. I told this to Ibu when the doctor got sick. Ibu said that it could happen because perhaps my face was nearly same with his family or saudara. So, he was familiar with me. Because, if I thought again, my friends also took kulpak, but why they were not familiar on him.

Last Night, I delivered Ibu to go to airport. She wanted to go to Bogor, meet Ayah, and attend her or his wedding's invitation. Alhamdulillah, I didnt feel sleepy totally, my eyes didn't wanna closed, I just felt less oxygen on peripheral so I just stretch my fingers. alhamdulillah  I could against my sleepy.

And then, before I got English examination, I merenungi gejolak perasaan di hati. I was confuse with my feeling and my mind. 
I thought about Ayah and Ibu, because previously I got subject Paracitology from dr. Imam. He reminded me on ayah and ibu... his struggles were masya Allah :""" I felt fault I had been a person who can make them proud of me, I just hassled them :"""
I thought about seminar... a bit complicated, but bismillah :"""
dr. Muhtarom who was sick :"""

Ya Allah, mudahkan semua urusan kami ya Allah :""
Berikanlah kami semua ridho dan mu'jizatMu ya Allah :"""
Berikanlah kesembuhan untuk dr. Muhtarom ya Allah, aamiin aamiin aamiin ya Allah ya Rabb :""

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