Friday, April 29, 2016

My actual story :""))

Assalamu'alaykum wr wb...

Firstly, dr. Muhtarom was sick :"""
He is the only one doctor who knows me although he just meet me in the kulpak's room.. Other doctor if I met him or her he or she just smiled because they were greeted. I said like that because when I got skill tutor who was dr. Muhtarom, he said that he was familiar with me. I just said that I just got kulpak from doctor. I also thought, in every kulpak from him, I was seen several times by him. I thought, it was usual. I told this to Ibu when the doctor got sick. Ibu said that it could happen because perhaps my face was nearly same with his family or saudara. So, he was familiar with me. Because, if I thought again, my friends also took kulpak, but why they were not familiar on him.

Last Night, I delivered Ibu to go to airport. She wanted to go to Bogor, meet Ayah, and attend her or his wedding's invitation. Alhamdulillah, I didnt feel sleepy totally, my eyes didn't wanna closed, I just felt less oxygen on peripheral so I just stretch my fingers. alhamdulillah  I could against my sleepy.

And then, before I got English examination, I merenungi gejolak perasaan di hati. I was confuse with my feeling and my mind. 
I thought about Ayah and Ibu, because previously I got subject Paracitology from dr. Imam. He reminded me on ayah and ibu... his struggles were masya Allah :""" I felt fault I had been a person who can make them proud of me, I just hassled them :"""
I thought about seminar... a bit complicated, but bismillah :"""
dr. Muhtarom who was sick :"""

Ya Allah, mudahkan semua urusan kami ya Allah :""
Berikanlah kami semua ridho dan mu'jizatMu ya Allah :"""
Berikanlah kesembuhan untuk dr. Muhtarom ya Allah, aamiin aamiin aamiin ya Allah ya Rabb :""


Assalamu'alaykum wr wb...

I wanna tell you about one of my lecture. He is sick now :"""

But I'm sorry I will tell you later..

Saturday, April 23, 2016


Assalamu'alaykum wr wb...

I was invited by Ova to take a part of medical's IMSS. Ova, Mba ratih, and I shared our experiences, opinions, and dreams. Apparently, they also wanted to go to Palembang. Waw, alhamdulillah, I was so excited knowing that. Then, we and mba Rufa went to Bandara with Ibu who also wanted to go to Jakarta, Bogor exactly. 

There were many experiences and things that I can learn from FULDFK's members :"""
They are very great and wonderful :""))

My first time seeing poster of Rakernas FULDFK, I was interested seeing the destination. Waw, that's Palembang. In my heart, how exciting went to Palembang :"" 
A few minutes later, mba Rufa sent me message via line. She invited me to go to Palembang. At that time, I agreed her invitation. I thought she was just kidding. Yet, she wasn't. She seriously invited me. What?? Then I talked about it to Ibu. She just agreed. Yet, of course she asked me who wanna follow Rakernas, what would talk about at Rakernas. 

That was an amazing experience. I could get many kind, muslihah, beautiful, and smart friends :"")
At the Wisma Jakabaring Palembang, I was accompanied by room mates. They are my seniors :")) Mba Rizka, Mba Ade, and Mba Afifah :"))

ehmm, masya Allah :""))

Assalamu'alaykum wr wb...

Starts from here....

Thursday, April 21, 2016


Assalamu'alaykum wr wb...

I don't wanna hate or love too much...
It would be the opposite...

mba yuli... I hope we can get the best muslih for our dunia dan akhirat, aamiin aamiin :""")

Monday, April 18, 2016

bismillah ya Allah :""""

Assalamu'alaykum wr wb...

Yang kuung.. semoga dilancarkan, dimudahkan, dan diberi ketelitian untuk semuanya besok ya yaaaang, aamiin aamiin aamiin aamiin ya Allah ya Rabb... 

maaf banget eyang besok aku ndak bisa dtg pagi :"""""
semoga cepet sembuh dari semua penyakitnya eyang yaaa, aamiin aamiin aamiin ya Rabb :"""

Eyaaang :"")

Assalamu'alaykum wr wb...

eyang kakung...
A person who always give me spirit to study, study, and study in order that I can graduate on time..
A person who ever made me scared when I was child. In the past, I was scared with your appearance, your thick mustache :""
A person who likes making jokes..
A person who likes lobbying..
A person who loves his wife, yang uuut (eyang uti)..
A person who is cared by yang uuut..
A person who is hospitalizing at kariadi now..

I remembered the moment On last Tuesday, we went to emergency kariadi.. 
buntutut and I went home at 00.30 am.. 

I'm so sorry I can't wait eyang at the hospital every time :""
We love you, eyaaang :""

Syafakallah eyaaang :"" 
Semoga cepet sembuh ya yaang :"""

Eyang uti, take care of your health also, take an enough rest :""

Thank you verrryyy much yang uuut, yang kuuung :"""))

Saturday, April 16, 2016

saturday seminar :)

Assalamu'alaykum wr wb...

ayoooo... ingat 3 J.. gendut sekarang sangat bisa berlanjut hingga dewasaaa :""" bismillah insya Allah berubah :"))

My Tuesday and Wednesday :"")

Assalamu'alaykum wr wb...

Masya Allah those days were unpredictable :"")
On Tuesday, I had Microbiology and Parasitology Practicums. I had been pasrah what would happen because I didn't bring my Parasitology Prim Report book. It should be brought and showed on the inspection.
My effort since afternoon Monday was useless. My SGD's mates didn't know my book, and they already got their books. I also phoned mba Asih to look for my Prim Report book. There's nothing, she already searched in all parts of house. Eventually, I went to the Parasitology Laboratory on Dzuhur before kulpak of Dr. Pujiati Abbas. I met a 2013 Parasitology assistant. I said that my book was nothing. I asked whether my book was still in the lab or not. He answered, there's nothing. All books had been taken. ok :""" where was my book? :"" I went to lab, then got lunch with mba Yuli, Nia, and Hanif. I told about my problem that my book was also nothing in the lab. They considered that my book was tucked. Hanif asked me about my way to save practicum books. I said that I put it in the cupboard with the previous modul, and there's nothing. They asked me to look for it again, perhaps mba Asih didn't know where I put the book. Actually, on the morning Monday before I got to campus I had seen there's no my Parasiology Prim Report book in front of Parasitology Guidance book of GIT. However, I wondered why there's no my book at home and lab. So, I asked to my SGD's mate. They had their books, there was no my book in my friend.
And then I asked in the Radix line group whether any person who knew my book. There's no one :"""
I asked mba shofiana, a 2014 Parasitology assistant. I had asked her since morning Monday. She recommended me to report mas Arul, perhaps he was the lab coordinator of Parasitology. He just said that I should look for the book first. Yet, the book hadn't been found anywhere.
On Tuesday, I was in the lab because there was a continuation of Pharmacy Faculty 2016. Then my friends Biochemistry and I studied together. At 12 o'clock we had shalat Dzuhur. We went to the microbiology laboratory. After that, mba Aur and I wanted to buy some foods. At 12.30 we got back lab. I got story from Dymas, my GIT SGD's mate, that my book was in Umam. Really??! Alhamdulillah, but where was Umam?? There was no Umam around the lab. I was helped by mba Hentyka and mba Aurora to meet Umam. I checked my hand phone, apparently Umam had personal chat me via line at 10.48 Tuesday. Umaaammm :""
I replied his chat, but he didn't read my pc. Mba Henty asked Umam's phone number via his boyfriend. Alhamdulillah.. Yet, Umam didn't take the phone :""""
I asked in the Radix line group what SGD Umam was. Mba Sheilla replied that Umam was skill. He was SGD 11. Masya Allah :""" She replied me when Microbiology assistant had opened the door, so our time to have practicum was started.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

I'm sorry :"

Assalamu'alaykum wr wb...

I'm sorry, I haven't been able to write my bit hectic activities on Tuesday...
Insya Allah later :)

Thank you for mba ratih, you had lent me clothes and a veil this night..
Thank you for nimas, mba nuril, mba vifi for all things :""")

Sunday, April 10, 2016

My Sat.Night

Assalamu'alaykum wr wb...

alhamdulillah, finally we could get out together at Saturday night. Actually, we wanted to go to Waroeng Steak at Imam Bonjol but because the traffic jam was totally crowed we got back to Pizza Hut in the junction of Majapahit - Fatmawati. Although the location of PH is near, the important thing is that we can gather and cheat chat :"")) Lovely moment with ayah, ibu, and mas Iqbal :"")) ({{{}}})

Although I was still having unwell condition, it didn't decrease the value of gather :"))

After we ate at PH, mas Iqbal got out to pick his girlfriend at Tembalang by motorcycle :"" 
Okay, that's never mind :))
Perhaps, his invitation to eat together was because he ignored my invitation to jalan-jalan at evening.

In other side, I was so sorry I couldn't join rakerwil :"" I was so sorry mba ratih, nafi, I couldn't accompany you :"" Barakallah mba ratih, nafi, and other delegations from Unissula (I was sorry I didn't know the ikhwan who joined) :)

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Behind the scene :)

Assalamu'alaykum wr wb...

there are so many lesson I can learn from them, we can share a lot of things, we can get more spirit and motivation, we understand our personality. Perhaps, it has been a strong bond, aamiin aamiin. I hope we can gather in jannah also, aamiin aamiin ya Allah :""" ({{{}}})

Missing that :""

Assalamu'alaykum wr wb...

Masya Allah, dengerin lagu Meriam Belina, salah satunya simfoni rindu, jadi inget perjalanan pulkam dari Purworejo ke Semarang karena dulu SD kelas 1 sampai 3 kami masih tinggal di Purworejo, Jawa Tengah. Kangen jalan-jalaaaaan ({{{}}})

Ngajak jalan-jalan mas Iqbal susah susah gampang, kalau weekend gini jarang banget bisa jalan-jalan sama keluaarga. Hari-hari biasa, banyak tanggungan :"""