Friday, March 4, 2016


Assalamu'alaykum wr wb...

I was a bit confuse on some things in recent days. 

Firstly, why I was asked to give stand up comedy?? and who proposed me firstly?? how they see my daily activities?? what had I done??

Second, why suddenly someone asked me about pencernaan protein?? whyyyy?? It had been passed. That's a not oriented question. We wouldn't discuss it more in the 4th semester. then, I told it to mba Yuli. She responded that someone should teach us about nerve.

Third, why someone gave me a white flash drive. someone said that it should be given to mba Ratih's own and there was e-book in English. At that time, I thought that perhaps mba Ratih would chat me or came to me to take the flash drive. a few hours passed, there's no one asked about the flash drive. Finally, I contacted mba Ratih. I asked her who owned this flash drive. Yet, she didn't answer directly. While waiting the answer, I did some things at one room of campus. Someone asked my position whether still in campus or not. Apparently, someone came to the room and took the flash drive. That made me confuse, who gave to me, who take from me was the same person -_- hehehe perhaps someone thought that mba ratih would take it before someone's 2nd came. However, I said my gratitude to someone because I could get important and useful e-book, masya Allah, alhamdulillh :") I got answer from mba Ratih at evening, when I had been at lia classroom. Because I finished something at campus 5:30 pm, I got to course directly. I didn't got home first, due to time and fuel. She said that the flash drive was her own. Ya Allah, I was so sorry mba ratiih :"" I had disturbed you, then apparently it was your own :""""(

The last is, there's a person who comment one of my blog posting used radix account. I didn't know who is the person :( yet okay then. the important thing I knew that the person is my friend :) Thank you for visiting :D Perhaps, you can show your real account, so I know who are you. I'm sorry, if my posting are just about me hehehe :D
I think it's enough.Thank you for reading :)
See you then :) 

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