Friday, March 4, 2016

same or different? :"

Assalamu'alaykum wr wb..

One person and other can't be compared. A person can have A, B, C superiority, but the person has X, Y, Z weakness. Other people perhaps have other superiority and other weakness. We have our own superiority and weakness.
Mas Iqbal and me are also like that. I have weakness, he has weakness. Some admiring mas Iqbal's personalities are, really social, autonomous, tough, and willing to sacrifice. 

He joins verza rider community. Absolutely, he has very divers friends. They come from many kind of backgrounds, way of thinking, habits, and personalities. This community has some good activities, such as charity, volunteer in a needed person or family. It's so sweet :"") how about me?? :"" I've never done that, hopefully on the next day and routine :""" because their activities mostly are done in the outdoor, they're tough and autonomous. They do all things by self as much as possible. One day, my first visiting to Nglimut with upi, algi, ifa, we were delivered by mas Iqbal. At that time, mas Iqbal was asked by my parents to deliver us. Alhamdulillah he could deliver us. Masya Allah, I was really touched of his readiness. He spared his time and energy for me :""" although he is often do touring, but at athat time he didn't have any affairs and friend to Nglimut. Mas Iqbaaal :"" and then in the middle of our journey, we didn't know the right way to reach Nglimut. Directly, mas Iqbal stopped at Indomaret then got out of the car, and asked Indomaret's employee about the right way to Nglimut. I thought he wanted to buy something, apparently he didn't buy anything. Ya Allah mas Iqbal :""" other his great personality, he is willing to sacrifice to his friends, and families. He ever went to Demak at night when he knew that his friend in Demak was died. He went there from Semarang with one of his friend in Semarang too. Ya Allah, you are so caring :"" your ukhuwah with your verza rider community is great. Besides that, you drove our car when we went together such as pulang kampung. You didn't want to be changed. Our journey took 12 hours, yet you didn't want to be changed by us except when you were sleepy. You love your friends and families..

I hope I can be as social, autonomous, tough, and willing to sacrifice as you do :"""
You are my best brother :"""
Aku sayang mas Iqbal, ibu, ayah ({{{}}})

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