Sunday, March 27, 2016


Assalamu'alaykum wr wb...

I'm so sorry, this is not the continuation of my previous post...
Actually I wanted to post something on my blog, but because of wifi connection was not as good as usual, so I couldn't post it.. Now, it's not a proper time to upload it..

Listening to afgan's songs in soundcloud makes me baperrrr :"""
Astaghfirullah hal 'adzim....
I remembered those moments :"""
Those moments are not for remembered but for felt sincerely, without making hurt any heart of someone else...
It won't be comfortable to remember it because I really love her.. She is not only my friend but also my best friend, my family :"""

Alhamdulillah ya Allah, you had made me busy with my lab activities during this week.. I didn't think something unimportant.. I think the really really important and useful thing :"")

I hope I can be as useful as this week, not baper as ever I had, aamiin aamiin :)

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