Thursday, February 25, 2016

I love you, bulik anik :"

Assalamu'alaykum wr wb...

I love you, bulik anik..
One day, mas Iqbal, ayah, ibu, and I went to Purworejo (mbah's house). This journey is the continuation of our journey to Wonosobo. Arrived at mbah's house, we greeted mbah putri, mbah kakung, and bulik anik as usual. Our plan, we didn't visit mbah for a long time, just for 2 hours. We just sat down together in the dining room while discussed something about our future. Because we had just eaten in my younger grandparents whose their grandchild would have married on 2 days later, we didn't eat any food in mbah's house. At that time, mas Iqbal sat down next to mbah putri while embraced mbah putri. I just sat down in front of her. Mas Iqbal looked closed to mbah putri, so that mbah putri felt comfortable. Bulik Anik also looked at him.

2 hours passed.

We permitted to go back Semarang. When mas Iqbal had got into car while I hadn't, mbah putri said to ibu that mas Iqbal won't be arrogant. I also heard that. Actually, I was sad at that time, but I tried to be tough. I didn't hope to be said same with mas Iqbal. I knew that he is more willing to sacrifice for his surrounding, but I think I am as humble as him. I got into car. Mas Iqbal, bulik Anik, and I discussed someone at car before we got home. Each of us uttered our opinion. I respected mas Iqbal, and bulik Anik's opinion. However, when I said my opinion, bulik Anik didn't really interested in my opinion. I had a different opinion with bulik Anik and mas Iqbal, but I saw mas Iqbal could respect and explain the differences while bulik Anik couldn't. Okay, it's never mind. Perhaps I was false, ok I was false.

a few seconds later, we got home. I couldn't hold back my tears.

one day later, On Monday, bulik Anik told me that she felt pain in the next to umbilicus. I thought that it was related to her kidney because a few days ago she felt pain in the bottom of umbilicus then if she drank water, she felt better. In my opinion, the problem is same, about less drinking water. Yet, she didn't tell me the next condition after she drinking water because she just said that she had drunk water. Ayah called me and reminded me, there any limitation of drinking is. Then, I informed bulik Anik that the she should limit to drink until 1,5-2 liters.

On the next day, bulik Anik sent message to me to buy USG portable. She saw a doctor near mbah's house with his USG portable. She was amazed seeing a multipurpose USG that can know condition in the whole inner body, not only a womb. She wanted me to buy in order to be used for examining mbah, her, her husband, ayah, and ibu. I just replied : Insya Allah bulik, but I hadn't been learned it. Then she replied me with caps lock sentences that I didn't need to learn from a lecture because I would taught by salesman. She also said that she wanted to examined that day. She asked me, whether I knew the place. I just answered her 3rd message. I thought that she wanted to buy the USG portable, so I said I would look for in the internet. I also confused which a good USG Portable and where the nearest Alkes for her.

She called me that she felt pain in the left side of umbilicus, in the bottom of umbilicus, and feet. Because I didn't know what actually happened, I tried to asked Dr. Ridho. At that moment, I asked some things about bulik Anik such as the diagnosis and best analgesic for her. I told to bulik Anik all answers from dr. Ridho. Bulik Anik also met doctor at Bethesda hospital, Yogyakarta. And the result, the diagnosis and the analgesic were same. She got adding supplement, Vit. B. Masya Allah, that's amazing :") She got a better condition. Alhamdulillah.

Unexpectedly, she said thank you sincerely :") I was melted :"""
I was glad you had a better condition
I was shocked hearing she said apologize :"""
Please forgave me too, bulik Anik :"(
Thenceforth, she paid attention to me :"")
I love you, buliiik :"") ({{{}}})   

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