Sunday, February 21, 2016

my family trip

Assalamu'alaykum wr wb...

Alhamdulillahirabbil 'alamin On Friday ayah, ibu, mas Iqbal, mba Asih, and I went to Wonosobo. This chance wasn't skip by us. It's started from ibu who wanted us got holiday in Wonosobo because she got duty in Wonosobo forawhile. Thank you ibuuu :")

Ibu, ayah, and I planned to go to Wonosobo after mas Iqbal finished study on that Friday. Yet, on the morning Friday, he ignored to go to Wonosobo. He said that he wanna go to Ungaran with his Verza community. We were really disappointed. Why he priority his Verza friends than family, although we have made this plan firstly. After giving advice and persuading him for a minute, finally he agreed to go with us. Alhamdulillah :)

He said that he would finish Friday study at 4:30 pm. Okay, ibu, ayah, and I agreed to wait him. I phoned him at 4:45 pm. He didn't answer my call.
Eventually, he arrived at 5:10 pm. He wanna take a bath in Wonosobo, but ayah and ibu denied it. They asked him to take a bath at that time. Preparation finished, we went to Wonosobo.
Alhamdulillah we arrived at homestay in Wonosobo around 10:00 pm. We took all stuff from car to the homestay. Then, ayah, ibu, mba Asih slept firstly. Mas Iqbal and I watched TV for a few minutes, but I slept before him. Because I was seen sleepy, mas Iqbal asked me to sleep in the bedroom.

On Saturday morning, we went to Sikunir to see sunrise. Unfortunately, mas Iqbal didn't wanna join. He chose to take a rest at homestay. Okay let him stay at homestay. Arrived there, it looked quiet, no people. Seeing around, there had been many cars parked there. Other people had seen the sunrise, we had just arrived there at 5:57 am. If we wanna see the sunrise, we had to walk for a half hour because the distance between parking area and looking sunrise point is 800 meters. Because of my sandal and ibu's condition, we didn't get the location. We just walk around 200 meters maybe. We stopped our walk around, at a fried seller. After eating some fried food, we came back at homestay to have breakfast with mas Iqbal.

Our trip hadn't finished although we had left homestay in Wonosobo. We went to Purworejo to see our contracted house and visit my cousin who would marry on Monday, Feb 22nd 2016. Arrived at the house, we waited my grandma from Semarang with some people for a moment to fix some damage in the house. After affairs between ayah, ibu, and a person who would fix the house had been finished, we went to my cousin house. We fulfilled the invitation previously than other invitee because ayah wanna visit my grandma's house (parents of ayah) so we came to the invitation previously.

On 1:30 pm Saturday, we ....
wait the continuation.....     

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