Saturday, June 18, 2016

adik adiiiik :"")

Assalamu'alaykum wr wb...

Masya Allah.... ngeliat anakanak kecil ketawa tersenyum rasanya tuuu seneeeeng bangeeet :""

apalagi dengan keadaan mereka, mereka lebih kuat dibanding aku
berarti aku juga harus semangaat dan tersenyuuum :))

BAI and LAZIS insya Allah will have breakfasting with many wonderful children on on June 26th at Baiturrahman Mosque..

Join it, just pay 50k for our break fasting and donation
Come with us, what are you waiting for

This event needs donation :
- Break fasting package :  @ sadaqah 25k
- Gift and money package : @ sadaqah 100k
- Transfer to this account number : 0348203427 BNI on behalf of Allief Himamana
You can choose the ddonation among 3 options above :)
Insya Allah berkah :)

Please confirm your attendance max at Morning Friday, June 24th to Alan or Billy..
For further information, please contact Allief : 081904686464

insya Allah you can see the happiness of wonderful children :)

This time, when you have rezeki, why you don't use it for your good deeds at dunia dan akhirat :") 

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