Sunday, March 27, 2016

I really love this moment ({{}})

Assalamu'alaykum wr wb...

My life with my sisters, ukhtifillah, is always colorful :")
Alhamdulillah, terimakasih ya Allah :""


Assalamu'alaykum wr wb...

I'm so sorry, this is not the continuation of my previous post...
Actually I wanted to post something on my blog, but because of wifi connection was not as good as usual, so I couldn't post it.. Now, it's not a proper time to upload it..

Listening to afgan's songs in soundcloud makes me baperrrr :"""
Astaghfirullah hal 'adzim....
I remembered those moments :"""
Those moments are not for remembered but for felt sincerely, without making hurt any heart of someone else...
It won't be comfortable to remember it because I really love her.. She is not only my friend but also my best friend, my family :"""

Alhamdulillah ya Allah, you had made me busy with my lab activities during this week.. I didn't think something unimportant.. I think the really really important and useful thing :"")

I hope I can be as useful as this week, not baper as ever I had, aamiin aamiin :)

Saturday, March 26, 2016


Assalamu'alaykum wr wb...

my recent days are unpredictable. actually, it happened to all my days. ayah had just come from Pekanbaru. he came on thursday evening. after I finished ident anatomy, I called ibu to pick me up. I didn't know that ayah arrived at semarang at evening. I used to pick him up qt airport. I didn't mean to pick him up, apparently I could pick him up. his flight was delayed. I could pick him up although the flight wasn't delayed. however, that's not a problem. I met mba ratih before I was picked by ibu, she asked whether I joined fossil or not. I was forget. At that time, I had phoned ibu to pick me up and she has been nearly arrived at my campus.


:") :""" :)

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

astaghfirullah hal 'adzim :""""(((

Assalamu'alaykum wr wb...

Ya Allah, astaghfirullah hal 'adzim...
Perhaps the accident last Sunday was the answer of my hurt statement to my friend. He drove a black car from Nglimut to Unissula. I asked about the best option to him whether he drove the car or let me drove it. I asked it for several times. Yet, he ignored it.

When we had arrived at Unissula, I continued my way to get home. Without any bad feeling, I felt sleepy on Fatmawati street but I tried to awake. I had tried to awake for several times. 

Suddenly, the condition was changed totally!!! Unconsciously, I opened my eyes and I saw that I hit cart!! I braked as soon as possible :""" My window was hit by citizens. They asked me why I could do that. I replied that I was sleepy. There was a woman who said that we had to go to RSUD Ketileng at that time because there was a 4 years old girl who I hit. The woman said that she drove my car. The 4 years old girl got blooding at her head. Astaghfirullah hal 'adzim :"""""(
I didn't suppose it would happen to me. Why I could do this :"""""(

The 4 years old child was with her mom. Her mom and her were crying. 
Astaghfirullah hal 'adzim :"""""""(
What I could do at that time?? I was confuse..
The woman who delivered us asked me why and recommended me to finish it thoroughly so this case didn't go to the police, just finished it amicably. Yes, I agreed that. 
Astaghfirullah hal 'adzim :"""""""(

I phoned Ibu, I told her I had hit someone, I was on my way to RSUD Ketileng. I didn't tell anymore. She said that she was on her way to Wonosobo, she had been in the Temanggung. Ibuuuuu :"""" I just could asked in my heart, why Ya Allah, astaghfirullah hal 'adzim :"""" 

The girl was stitched her forehead, 3 in the outer, 6 in the inner. Her tongue was cloven because she bit her tongue to restrain pain. When she was operated by doctor and assistant, the driving woman with her husband told the real chronology. Fortunately the girl didn't spilled by oils because after I hit the girl and her mom, I hit cart, then my car could stop because I braked and there was a car behind the cart. Apparently, I also hit spakbor of a motorcycle. All of them came to me. Before they came, mas Iqbal and mba Asih came to the hospital. I heard that mas Iqbal was still sick. He was seldom sick. That was a first time in this year. 

The doctor said that the forehead was never mind. They had stitched. Yet, the doctor asked us to take the girl to RS Kariadi to stitch her tongue. She asked whether she got vomiting or not. We replied, there was nothing. We didn't know what it meant. 

We took her to RS Kariadi. We were afraid about the health of her forehead. Ibu came to Kariadi. After she met me, she looked for the victim's family. She hugged them. Ya Allah ibuuuu, forgave me pleaseeee, you had to do that for me, astaghfirullah hal 'adzim :"""""""

We wanted to do CT-Scan stitch the girl's tongue. Alhamdulillah at 21.30 she had got stitched of her tongue at RS Kariadi. However, her family didn't want to open the stitch for CT-Scan. I also agreed with their option. That would hurt her. Ibu recommended to victim's family to do CT Scan at RST Bakti Wiratama, Semarang, near Tugu Muda. Apparently, we couldn't have CT Scan there. 

Astaghfirullah hal 'adzim... that was because of meeeeee :"""""" 
Mas Iqbal said that he felt a bad feeling when ayah permitted to get back Pekanbaru, and ibu get back Wonosobo. He also got sick since morning Sunday. He told me that eyang kakung also had a bad feeling about me, he was thingking about me at Sunday morning...
Apparently, I got an accident at Sunday evening. It happened at maghrib :"""""

After picked up the victim and family at Sendang Guwo, we went to the tempat kejadian perkara. We looked for the other victims. We phoned one of them, we asked them when we could finish that case whether at that night 23.00 or other time. He asked for tomorrow at 7 am. Apparently, he was with other victims. I phoned Ibu when I had pemilu, choosing someone for pra LKMM leader, I asked about other victims. She said all of them are nice. All problems was finished. Alhamdulillah they didn't ask for expensive cost.


Perhaps when most of my friends was slept after getting home from Nglimut, I had to get accident :"""" I had to be in the hospital.. feeling sad, crying, why it could happen, astaghfirullah hal 'adzim :"""""

I hadn't think about my next subject. I had respon PA at 6.45, after that I had open house, then I had SGD at 10 am :"""

I slept, I hadn't studied anything. I awoke at 5.15 am. I just followed all my flow at Monday. In the end of SGD, I told a little about the accident to mba Aur, my SGD mate. I just told it to one person at Monday. After the accident, I'm delivering and picking by someone. He is a security in kompleks kejati. I haven't been brave to drive a car. 

Mas Iqbal's friend came to rumah dinas, she asked about the chronology. Mas Iqbal asked me, where is your friend? I told that I just told the chronology to one of my friend.

On Tueday morning, I told to Ifa about the chronology :""" She also surprised hearing that.
Ayah asked me to decrease my night activities, except if there is assignment. However, this day, I was delivered and picked up by Ibu because she had a affair in Kejati, but it was canceled. She has just known about it after she had been in rumah dinas :"""

Yet, alhamdulillah, there is Ibu at home :""")))

It was an expensive and valuable experiences :""""

Friday, March 4, 2016

same or different? :"

Assalamu'alaykum wr wb..

One person and other can't be compared. A person can have A, B, C superiority, but the person has X, Y, Z weakness. Other people perhaps have other superiority and other weakness. We have our own superiority and weakness.
Mas Iqbal and me are also like that. I have weakness, he has weakness. Some admiring mas Iqbal's personalities are, really social, autonomous, tough, and willing to sacrifice. 

He joins verza rider community. Absolutely, he has very divers friends. They come from many kind of backgrounds, way of thinking, habits, and personalities. This community has some good activities, such as charity, volunteer in a needed person or family. It's so sweet :"") how about me?? :"" I've never done that, hopefully on the next day and routine :""" because their activities mostly are done in the outdoor, they're tough and autonomous. They do all things by self as much as possible. One day, my first visiting to Nglimut with upi, algi, ifa, we were delivered by mas Iqbal. At that time, mas Iqbal was asked by my parents to deliver us. Alhamdulillah he could deliver us. Masya Allah, I was really touched of his readiness. He spared his time and energy for me :""" although he is often do touring, but at athat time he didn't have any affairs and friend to Nglimut. Mas Iqbaaal :"" and then in the middle of our journey, we didn't know the right way to reach Nglimut. Directly, mas Iqbal stopped at Indomaret then got out of the car, and asked Indomaret's employee about the right way to Nglimut. I thought he wanted to buy something, apparently he didn't buy anything. Ya Allah mas Iqbal :""" other his great personality, he is willing to sacrifice to his friends, and families. He ever went to Demak at night when he knew that his friend in Demak was died. He went there from Semarang with one of his friend in Semarang too. Ya Allah, you are so caring :"" your ukhuwah with your verza rider community is great. Besides that, you drove our car when we went together such as pulang kampung. You didn't want to be changed. Our journey took 12 hours, yet you didn't want to be changed by us except when you were sleepy. You love your friends and families..

I hope I can be as social, autonomous, tough, and willing to sacrifice as you do :"""
You are my best brother :"""
Aku sayang mas Iqbal, ibu, ayah ({{{}}})


Assalamu'alaykum wr wb...

I was a bit confuse on some things in recent days. 

Firstly, why I was asked to give stand up comedy?? and who proposed me firstly?? how they see my daily activities?? what had I done??

Second, why suddenly someone asked me about pencernaan protein?? whyyyy?? It had been passed. That's a not oriented question. We wouldn't discuss it more in the 4th semester. then, I told it to mba Yuli. She responded that someone should teach us about nerve.

Third, why someone gave me a white flash drive. someone said that it should be given to mba Ratih's own and there was e-book in English. At that time, I thought that perhaps mba Ratih would chat me or came to me to take the flash drive. a few hours passed, there's no one asked about the flash drive. Finally, I contacted mba Ratih. I asked her who owned this flash drive. Yet, she didn't answer directly. While waiting the answer, I did some things at one room of campus. Someone asked my position whether still in campus or not. Apparently, someone came to the room and took the flash drive. That made me confuse, who gave to me, who take from me was the same person -_- hehehe perhaps someone thought that mba ratih would take it before someone's 2nd came. However, I said my gratitude to someone because I could get important and useful e-book, masya Allah, alhamdulillh :") I got answer from mba Ratih at evening, when I had been at lia classroom. Because I finished something at campus 5:30 pm, I got to course directly. I didn't got home first, due to time and fuel. She said that the flash drive was her own. Ya Allah, I was so sorry mba ratiih :"" I had disturbed you, then apparently it was your own :""""(

The last is, there's a person who comment one of my blog posting used radix account. I didn't know who is the person :( yet okay then. the important thing I knew that the person is my friend :) Thank you for visiting :D Perhaps, you can show your real account, so I know who are you. I'm sorry, if my posting are just about me hehehe :D
I think it's enough.Thank you for reading :)
See you then :)