Sunday, January 31, 2016

wait a minute

Assalamu'alaykum wr wb...

Where do you live? that's a bit difficult question to be answered by me. Actually I stay in my mom's official residence, Pedurungan, Semarang Timur, but living in a official residence is just temporary. If my mom is migrated to other city, I can't stay in the official residence, I have to stay in my grandpa and grandma's house, Krobokan, Semarang Barat. Therefore, it makes me have a different answer when I'm asked about location of house. If I write a bio, I write Krobokan as my house location, while if I have a conversation with people, I say that I live in Pedurungan hehehe :D I'm sorry for this confusion :( I don't mean to do that. Please be patient to face me. That's all, thank you so much... :)

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