Saturday, January 30, 2016

Astaghfirullah hal 'adzim

Assalamu'alaykum wr wb...

Masya Allah, I got a surprise knowing that last Thursday my lia class discussed about describing someone's physical looks and traits with a free theme, so we can choose who the someone is. In the last previous meeting (Tuesday), we also discussed physical looks and traits about Igun. I think we wouldn't discuss it more in the Thursday. I had imagined someone physical looks and traits since Tuesday meeting finished. Actually I would write his physical looks and traits in this blog on Tuesday after I arrived at home, but after doing some things at home I felt sleepy.

Because I had imagined the writing, I didn't need a long time for describing him on Thursday meeting. After this meeting finished, I went home.

On Thursday, I got  a new way of thinking about future. I need to study more and more as a provision for my children insya Allah aamiin aamiin. I knew that there is one intelligence chromosome of mom will be downgraded to her children, so please look for the smart mom. Masya Allah, astaghfirullah hal 'adzim :((( What had I had?? astaghfirullah hal 'adzim. It makes me realized that I have wasted my time just for stalking someone's social media. So I didn't think and care about him that day.

I went to sleep. I got a dream, a strange dream. When a full day I didn't think about him, but I dream something with him. In my dream, I was in a building that in my full walking tour I saw a doctor with his or her assistant. They were dealing the patient. And then I continued my walk. I still saw the same view as the first one. Suddenly, I stopped in a room because I saw a doctor was dealing his patient, without any assistant. I walked toward him. I got advice from the doctor that I had to deal the patient if I wanted to get reward from Allah, then I did what the doctor said. A few minutes later, the doctor left me alone. After that, 3 men came into that room. I didn't know who they were, but in that dream we deal the patient together, I just knew 1 person, he is him, the one who I ever followed his instagram then I didn't follow him. All of us discussed together to deal the patient. We told our point of view to get the best decision. Then I forgot the continuation of my dream :((

That's all for this story :)

Do you know who he is???

I hope he knows. If he doesn't know, no problem. Let him or other man come in the proper time and place aamiin aamiin ya Allah :")

an important moral value from my dream is that I have to study hard, study hard, and study hard, so I can apply my knowledge to my patients properly insya Allah in the future. Aamiin aamiin allahumma aamiin :") 

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