Monday, September 7, 2015

Friday, September 4th '15

Assalamu'alaykum wr wb...

on 4th September, unexpectedly she met him on a junction to her friend's kost, while he went to a mosque because at that time Ashar adzan has reverberated. She drove a black car while he rode a motorcycle. He wore a blue shirt and sarung. That's a short and unexpected moment, but it's memorable. Then, she told about the moment to her friend. Actually, she wasn't really sure that he is the man who gave her many life lessons. She wasn't really sure because her friend suspected if she was just thinking a lot of him, so she would see someone with his face. If one of you there perhaps know the truth about this, you can tell her.

on the same day, when a twilight atmosphere came, she waited her friend buying telor penyet (beside Indomaret Genuk) in the car. When her friend wanted to cross the road, her friend saw him wearing orange shirt visibly looked for something, perhaps he wanted to buy food for his dinner also. After he passed her friend, her friend gave some code for her. However, unfortunately she didn't realize because she just saw the new comers college student 2015 bring their white carton bag. She was regret why she didn't see him :'( After her friend entered to the car, her friend told all happened. She just could regret, but it's okay. Perhaps this is a way from Allah SWT to show her and his jodoh. She hopes she will get jodoh dunia akhirat in order that the couple could remind each other to get Jannah and meet Allah, Rasulullah SAW, and all families aamiin aamiin ya Allah ya Rabb :')

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