Tuesday, September 1, 2015


Assalamu'alaykum wr wb..

Alhamdulillah, Allah has given a right way to me from "Kutinggalkan dia Karena DIA" book. There are so many stories there that show regret of someone after having special relationship with her or his 'beloved'. Apparently, the relationship is not love. It's just lust. Love is in the married, marry someone who loves Allah as the first priority. I also get some Hadits and Kalamullah that in Islam there's no special relationship between man and woman before married. Approach adultery is forbidden, moreover special relationship. Astaghfirullah hal 'adzim. It's such a slog for us, especially for me. In other side, I think there's no benefit thinking about someone, just focus on your upgrade. I think it's more beneficial for us. Allah will prepare best mate for you. If you still upgrade yourself, your mate also still upgrade him/herself. Just believe in Allah, because Allah Maha Mengetahui :)

Allah Maha Cinta
terkadang hidup memang berat
membuat kita hampir menyerah
tapi aku percaya Kaulah pelindungku, penciptaku, dan hidupku
sabarkan hatiku, kuatkan imanku, berkahi aku dan keluargaku dengan rahmat-Mu
Ya Allah Kaulah cintaku


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