Assalamu'alaykum wr wb :)
badminton is one of my favorite sport. I used to play badminton since elementary school until senior high school. When I was in junior and senior high school, I didn't join any badminton club. I just joined my badminton extracuricullar at school. I was involved in badminton club during in elementary school. I followed a badminton club in Purworejo, from 1st until 3rd grade school because then I move to Pekanbaru. During I was in Purworejo, I take badminton class regularly, 2 times a week. My brother and I used to be delivered and picked up by my father, or sometimes by my aunt. At that time, I was still agile to play badminton and an ideal body because the exercise is very much so that it burns a lot of calories in my body. Because of good exercise, I could achieve 3rd grade on every championship. It continued until I was in Pekanbaru. Although I was more fat and I got less exercise because the club in Pekanbaru is not as good as in Purworejo, alhamdulillah I could achieve the same grade on every championship. I just could achieve 2nd grade on a championship, but I forgot on which championship. I lived in Pekanbaru just for 4th until 5th grade school, but the 5th grade hasn't been end (until 1st semester end). Then I moved to Cibinong, Kab. Bogor. I was able to follow a championship, alhamdulillah I got "X" grade, I forgot. When I was in 6th grade, I couldn't join any championship because it was prohibited by head school. When I was in junior and senior high school, I just join badminton extracurricular, I didn't join badminton club anymore. I also followed some external championship, but unfortunately I seldom won the game especially if I against someone who joined badminton club. Actually, it was really unfortunate.

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