Sunday, September 27, 2015

September 24th 2015

Assalamu'alaykum wr wb...

Today, September 24th 2015 she's going to tell about a subhanallah day. It's so impressive because in a day she met him three times. Masya Allah, Ya Allah, she just hope the best jodoh dunia akhirat for her.

it started from a morning Saturday. Actually she had to arrive at campus on 8 o'clock, but because she didn't really need to arrive on time so she just did what her mom ask to do something. Then she arrived at campus around 9 o'clock. She looked for her friends on Sie. Acara. She met mba Ai and Adli, then just for a moment she met Nandia. Nandia is one of jury for choosing the best talent to perform on Ependim 2015. Because mba Ai and Adli have their necessity, she and Nandia were waiting for the talent and jury from Trigeminus in the 1st floor of "A" building. While waiting, she did her task because there were so many task for next week.
Unexpectedly, he entered the "A" building toward up floor. She saw him, and she was just confuse what she must do. He brought her coas jas. It was the fist she saw him with his coas jas. masya Allah, astaghfirullah hal 'adzim. She just did something strange to Nandia. After she did something strange, he didn't exist. Where was he? (in my heart). Next second later he got out from toilet, then he wore his jas, then went to the up floor. She really wondered why he was there and why he was there when she was there also, astaghfirullah hal 'adzim :'( However she was grateful that she could be there and see him, astaghfirullah.
Finally, the looking for talent was canceled because the notification of looking for talent was a day ago. She decided to go home after adzan dzuhur because mba Rahma Nuril wanted me to be there waiting mba Vifi. Ok, she and mba Rahma Nuril waited mba Vifi. Because Nandia was also picked up by her mom, so Nandia waited her mom with mba Rahma Nuril and her. Unexpectedly, he got off from up floor with his friends. Masya Allah, astaghfirullah. He wore his coas jas. Ya Allah, astaghfirullah, she just could do something strange to mba Rahma Nuril. Then he got out from "A" building. Alhamdulillah, masya Allah, astaghfirullah ha 'adzim. Then she told what have done to mba Rahma Nuril and mba Vifi.
Around 5 o'clock pm she went to mba Rahma Nuril's kos at gayamsari to do some necessity at Genuk. She wanted to copy file from dr. Ridho as her tutor in SGD 16, while mba Nuril wanted to collect all fold table for Tenda Tensi on Car Free Day. They went to mas Aan's kos first. It took some minutes, then they went to Ifa's kos, Sulis's kos, Nafi's kos. The last destination is Ridha's kos. She wanted to copy file but apparently Ridha was still in her friend's kos. Actually, she and mba rahma nuril wanted to take wudhu at Ridha's kos. Finally, adzan maghrib reverberated. We prayed in the nearest mosque. That was in the first intersection. They also take wudhu there. They prayed together with other jama'ah. After they prayed, they have a conversation with Deta, Deta wanted to went home first. then, mba nuril and she talked something. when they were talking, she saw (behind tabir) a gesture of him, wearing blue shirt. she didn't see his face. However, she couldn't ensure whether he was him or not, because she didn't hear any sound (because she was talking with mba nuril also). They continue praying sunnah. Then they went to Aufan's kos. actually, she still had a schedule, to come in her friend's syukuran at Kampung Laut. She was confused because she hasn't finished doing her task. However, actually in her heart, she must come to the invitation because coming to an invitation is an obligation a muslim. Eventually, she came to the invitation. She made appointment to meet her mom to take her to Kampung Laut because her mom said that the way to Kampung Laut is a bit difficult (not as usual as normal way). After she went toward Kampung Laut, she saw the unusual. She and some friends greet a birthday girl. Then they had dinner. Some food that hadn't eaten was brought by some friends to be divided to their friends in their kos. They took some pictures. It was the first experience to be there with friends and at night.

That was a subhanallah day. She could do her obligation and see him. hehehehe :') Astaghfirullah.           

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