Saturday, March 4, 2017

Sedih euy rasanya :""

Assalamu'alaykum wr wb...

Start from 15.30, I took of from Semarang to south Kalimantan..
Nervous, a bit scared when took of, mixed into one..
That was my first time to fly alone, Although there were many other pessenger..
I did an activity before I would take of..
Then a bit scared when it would be landed..

After that, alhamdulillah I arrived at Syamsudin Noor airport, Banjar Baru, South Kalimantan..
I called buntutut, to inform that I had been arrived at South Kalimantan airport..
Buntutut said that she hadn't arrived at airport, I had to wait first..
Then I bought roti O first hehe 😅 because I felt a bit hungry..
I waited her at mosque in the airport..
After I ate, at that time, 18.30 WITA, it looked still sunny day, adzan maghrib hadn't been listened..
I took a photo at that moment..
Then, adzan maghrib was listened..
I took a wudhu, then I met buntutut, alhamdulillah 😘😍😊

After that, buntutut and I went toward the car. Buntutut picked me up with mas iqbal and pak iwan. Pak Iwan is buntutut's driver, but he is considered as our family because he did many things for our family's need. He really help us in many needs.. It sounds melting..


To be continue insya Allah 😊
Because I wanna finish my phamacology assignment..

How about your story?

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