Sunday, March 12, 2017

Alhamdulillah :""")

Assalamu'alaykum wr wb..

The con't
I met buntutut in the taking wudhu site. Hehe alhamdulillah..
At that time, ayantut hadn't arrived at south Kalimantan. Ayantut transitted in Jakarta, first. Ayantut departed from jambi around 18.00 WIB. Then ayantut stayed at Jakarta first, then on Saturday morning ayantut departed from Jakarta. Mas Iqbal, Ibuntutut, and I went to South Kalimantan airport (Syamsudin Noor Airport) at 7.30 WIT. Alhamdulillah we met ayantut around 8.30 WIT. Then, for celeberating my birth day, we went to Banjarmasin city. We took a breakfast in the RM Noni, at 9.30 WIT.
Then, we went to Duta Mall. We bought some things there. When we wanted to prayed dzuhur at mosque beside of the mall, I remembered Bogor. At that time was raining, the atmosphere was reminded me with Bogor's atmosphere :"""" I missed Bogor at that time :"""
I remembered bogor by the raining and the mosque especially mosque of SMAN 1 Bogor :"""
Then we went home.
We bought pentol first. After that we bought some stuffs. The atmosphere at home was comfortable and warm. There were ayantut, buntutut, mas iqbal, and me :"""" Alhamdulilah :"""
Although I also did my pharmacology task, I enjoyed every moment there :""")
There was also agent of herbalife. She came to count our body mass and what we have to do. Then, insya Allah we took the menu diet of herbalife.

On Sunday morning, buntutut, ayantut, and I bought bubur ayam cibubur or cianjur. Hehe 😅 there was also a seller of bubur cianjur, masya Allah :"")

Oh ya, I forgot to tell about a person that help us also. Pak Jali and Acil. Pak Jali is someone who keep our safety and clean our house. Acil is a called for bulik in java. I didn't know her name. Pak Jali, stayed at the house from 8 pm till 8 am. Thank you so much pak Jali. I ever seen his house. At that time, his house was affected by flooding, astaghfirullah, ya Allah ya Rabb :""""
Acil, I just met her once. I hadn't met her previously. She washed and ironed cloths. Thank you so much Acil :""")

Then, around 12 pm WIT we went to Syamsudin Noor airport. We arrived at airport 15 minutes before I had to wait boarding time. So ayantut and I could pray dzuhur and ashar first. Then, buntutut took turn for praying dzuhur. We didn't pray together because buntutut would keep our stuffs. Mas iqbal had prayed when ayantut and I prayed. After buntutut prayed, ayantut and I took permit. Actually, ayantut had a boarding 1/2 hour after me. However, I recommended ayantut to not exit to meet buntutut and mas iqbal, because our time was short, it's just different 1/2 hour.

That was my first time to see buntutut cried, shed a tear so much :""" ayantut also :"""" that was our struggle :""""
I didn't shed a tear so much at that time. But I was speechless. Then we said Assalamu'alaykum wr wb. Keep praying for others, And beeing diligent and success :""""
Then ayantut and I entered the boarding room. We just stood in front of the doors of departure. 10 till 15 minutes after that, I should took a bus for reaching the aircraft. Ayantut also menyalimi, ngesun kening. At that time, we didn't cried. After I was in the bus, I couldn't hold the tears, I really felt moans. I felt that our struggle was started, and it should be maximum :""""
Ayantut should stay at Jambi, buntutut and mas iqbal should stay at South Kalimantan, I should stay at Semarang :""""""
All of us did this for our future :"""
Barakallahu fi umrik, sehat selalu, amanah selalu, sukses selalu, bahagia dunia akhirat buat semuanyaa :"""")

I love all :""
Insya Allah I promised to be more responsible as a hamba, as a child, as a college student, as a social creatures, more standalone, more mature aamiin aamiin aamiin ya Allah ya Rabb :""")

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