Thursday, February 23, 2017

Masya Allah :"""" hehe :""

Assalamu'alaykum wr wb..

This day is masya Allah, unpredictable :""
I wanted to ask an ebook to my anatomy friend, an Atlas of Human Anatomy by Frank Netter. Actually, the ebook was desire of my lil friend, Sifa a 2016 college student at the same campus with me. Then, I also decided to go to campus to fulfil the payment of 2nd and 3rd phase. Then, I also made an appointment with biochemistry 2015's friend to get file kulpak. I paid the payment with rera, my friend. It had been a long time I didn't see her :""" I really missed her :""

Apparently, I met someone at the 1st floor of mosque at my campus. I was really shocked, then I pulled rera's hand to walk fast to go to B building. I thought, the person also saw me. However, take it away. It didn't mean anything because I didn't know about the person's feeling. Besides that, I also didn't have much braves to see the person for a long time hehe, I was ashamed.

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