Thursday, November 3, 2016

I'm sorry

Assalamu'alaykum wr wb..

I' so sorry I couldn't join kurma last evening. I felt confuse after ashar, then I phoned ayantut buntutut. ayantutut asked me to go home, so I went home..

Apparently, mas iqbal was sick at home..

I felt lega at home.. alhamdulillah..

mba asih and I bought some foods for him and us :)

Actually we should buy Paracetamol also, but it had been raining, because we walked on foot, we went home after buying some foods.

How are you?
long time no see..

I wanna ask something, why you called assalamu'alaykum mba when mba aur and me walked in front of you?
It didn't mean for me, right?
Because I thought, you wanted to greet mba aur. When I asked mba aur about the calling name for her, from you, she said that she was called aur, not mba or mba aur..
perhaps, there was another mba at that time :)

I didn't want to hurt anyone :""

I also didn't know what is the best for me and other people :""

Wish you get the best according to Allah, aamiin aamiin :"")

Barakallah :)

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