Sunday, November 20, 2016

Maaaf :"""

Assalamu'alaykum wr wb...

I'm so sorry, I can't join activities today at campus. Ayantut and buntutut are still in semarang. Ayantut and buntutut had been from a far place, then I didn't want to leave them for a long time.
Insya Allah ayantut and buntutut will go to Pekanbaru and South Kalimantan, today.
Alhamdulillah, ayantut and ibu had stayed semarang since friday maghrib..

I'm so sorrrryyy :"""
I hope activities today would be dimudahkan, dilancarkan, and get the best result.

Barakallah 😊😄

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Enjoy it

Assalamu'alaykum wr wb..

I didn't know what I want to write..
I just wanna make myself better.
The schedule is very crowded, I'm confuse which one I have to choose..
Until today, I didn't join inhal. Actually, I hadn't passed the exam :"
I don't know.. Just let it flow..

Thank you for all things..
I saw on your social media..
Barakallah  ðŸ˜Š

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Ayah ibu

Assalamu'alaykum wr wb..

Ayah.. Yg jumat sore kemarin berangkat dari jkt ke kalsel, minta maaf karena nda bisa nemenin aku dan mas iqbal. Ayah minggu nemenin ibu.. Ayah sempet bicara sambil sedih, aku jadi ikutan sediih :""
Ini juga buat aku tambaah semangaaat 😊
How about you?

Mba lel's birthday :")

Assalamu'alaykum wr wb..

Alhamdulillah bener2 refereshing, makasih mba lela :")

How are you?

Barakallah 😊

Masya Allah :""

Assalamu'alaykum wr wb..

Ya Allah, alhamdulillahirobbil aalamiin, tiba-tiba semua bantuan itu datang, ketika aku sudah memasrahkan semuanya padaMu. Aku sendiri tak percaya, orang2 yang aku butuhkan tiba-tiba datang untuk membantu memudahkan jalanku, terimakasih ya Allah, alhamdulillah..
Sungguh Kau tunjukkan kekuasaanMu :"""
Di pertengahan perjalanan ketika semua deadline itu datang, dan aku memohon ridho ayah ibu, jalanku menjadi mudah dan lancar, masya Allah :"""
Ayah yg ketika hari jumat sore menelponku, aku yg sedang benar2 bingung dengan apa yg harus aku lakukan pada salah satu deadline ku, karena sebenernya di dalam hatiku, aku masih belum memahami dasar dari suatu ilmu, dalam hatiku benar-benar aku membutuhkan orang lain untuk membantu menyelesaikan deadline itu. Meskipun aku sudah mendapatkan bekal atas dasar ilmu tsb dari orang lain, tetapi tetap saja aku masih butuh pengarahan karena sedikit sulit dalam waktu singkat, aku harus memahami dasar ilmu tersebut dan aku memiliki tanggungjawab untuk belajar materi kuliah.

Aku yakin, Engkau tidak akan memberikan ujian melebihi kemampuan hambaMu. Hal ini yg membuat aku masih melanjutkan project ini. Banyaaaak sekali manfaat yg bisa aku ambil dari project ini, terimakasih juga ya Allah sudah membuatku sibuk dengan hal yg baik..

Jumat - selasa - kamis - jumat - sabtu

Thursday, November 3, 2016

I'm sorry

Assalamu'alaykum wr wb..

I' so sorry I couldn't join kurma last evening. I felt confuse after ashar, then I phoned ayantut buntutut. ayantutut asked me to go home, so I went home..

Apparently, mas iqbal was sick at home..

I felt lega at home.. alhamdulillah..

mba asih and I bought some foods for him and us :)

Actually we should buy Paracetamol also, but it had been raining, because we walked on foot, we went home after buying some foods.

How are you?
long time no see..

I wanna ask something, why you called assalamu'alaykum mba when mba aur and me walked in front of you?
It didn't mean for me, right?
Because I thought, you wanted to greet mba aur. When I asked mba aur about the calling name for her, from you, she said that she was called aur, not mba or mba aur..
perhaps, there was another mba at that time :)

I didn't want to hurt anyone :""

I also didn't know what is the best for me and other people :""

Wish you get the best according to Allah, aamiin aamiin :"")

Barakallah :)

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Surprised :"""

Assalamu'alaykum wr wb..


Ehm.. I was really surprised seeing you wearing schwann cloth. I was shocked because in this morning actually I wanted to wear schwann cloth also :"""
Why you wore it :""
But alhamdulillah I didn't wear schwann clith this day because if I wore it this morning, it would be just 2 people who wore schwann cloth :""""