Saturday, October 29, 2016

Ahlan wa sahlan

Assalamu'alaykum wr wb..

I'm so sorry I've been too long leaving this blog..
I'm so sorry I can't join any event at campus, such as unissula bershalawat, kurma, and perhaps event at udinus. I had to move some stuffs to the new house on wednesday, because buntutut has to move to south Kalimantan, so mas iqbal, mba asih, and I couldn't stay at rumah dinas Kejati semarang. I couldn't join unissula bershalawat because there was a pengajian at new house.
On friday, alhamdulillah ayantut arrived at semarang. Ayah wants to accompany buntutut to South Kalimantan. Nowadays, alhamdulillah we can jalan bareng.

I really like the caption in the cap of mas iqbal 😊
Buntutut and ayantut want to go to South Kalimantan on Sunday. So I think I can't join an event at udinus. I'm so sorry.. Actually I wanna join it because of the theme, I'm interested on it :"

Never mind, because I don't wanna miss it, buntutut wants to move domisili..

Actually, I was a really shocked when you asked me many things about kti. Why you seemed to be curious and talking some things hehe 😄
How are you?
I was really shy with my tutor, bu Ulfah, because I can't do my best. Actually, it was important for me. I have to do more struggle, keep spiriiit 😊

How about you?
Barakallah for you

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