Sunday, March 22, 2015

Astaghfirullah :(

Nontonot, I miss all moments that we can be happy with buntutut and ayantut. You and I are same. The difference is you got affection and protection from buntutut and ayantut earlier.  We have known each other for 19 years. In 19 years, you have ever stayed alone in Semarang without buntutut, ayantut, and I for your study, about 3 years. We don't know what you have done, seen, heared in your environment. We also don't know with anyone you hang out. Since last year we stayed in a same house, although ayantut stays in Pekanbaru, we see a different character of you. We are really sad. Why you can't give your affection to your buntutut and ayantut? Respect to your parents is nothing. I don't understand about you. Even if ayantut and buntutut are fed up, you are more fed up with them. Ayantut and buntutut have done everything to comply your willingness, but what have you done? You make them are sad and crying. Not only ayantut and buntutut who are dissapointed, Allah has asked you to pray but you are difficult to pray even we have invited you continuously.

Nontonot, I just want we can be happy with ayantut and buntutut as usual. I am sad to see you have bad behavior to your parents and Allah :(

I just can pray to Allah in order that you can change your behavior into a good one because we have couldn't remind you.

I believe that Allah has made the best scenario for us ({})

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