Sunday, March 29, 2015

Alhamdulillah :')

Alhamdulillah.. Thanks ya Allah, nontonot now has changed his bad behavior by a little. We can pray together, although sometimes he prays first at home without me. Never mind, I've been happy to see that. You also start to comply ayantut and buntutut.

Allah has planned all things in the world, including us.

I want we can have a trip with ayantut and buntutut also. Ayantut often doesn't join because ayantut is in Pekanbaru. Usually, once in 2 / 3 weeks, ayantut stays in Semarang for 2 days and we can't have a trip :( but I have been happy, ayantut comes to Semarang :)

I hope we keep getting better aamiin aamiin :')

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