Saturday, October 3, 2015

At Borobudur

Assalamu'alaykum wr wb...

when all moslem people celebrate Idul Adha, my brother, Mba Asih, and me went to Borobudur hehe.. This is my way to jalan-jalan with my brother because if I have made appointment with him since the previous day, it would be canceled. At that time my mom was in Bogor with my dad. We went to Borobudur around 9 o'clock. We arrived there around 11 o'clock. My brother didn't want to go around Borobudur. We went home around a half fourteen. We arrived at home around 15.45. I jalan-jalan when all my friends were busy to do assignment and study. Astaghfirullah :"( but I was happy I could jalan-jalan with mas Iqbal, this is very rarely..

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