Saturday, August 22, 2015

22th Mas Iqbal

Assalamu'alaykum wr wb..

I'm sorry I've just written this. Mas Iqbal happy milad for you (21th August). Barakallahu fi umrik. I hope the best for you. I wish you are always healthy, success for all your activities including your undergraduate thesis. I wish you get best occupation for your future. I also hope you maintain your behavior to our parents. I'm happy you have shown your positive behavior. You're not smoking again and you don't hang out till late night, although it is because you're still programming diet for registering government employees, but I really hope this behavior won't end. But there's one thing that I really hope it will be usual. It's praying together. I ask you pray, you still say later later, even you ask me to pray first. Maaaaas, I hope you can change your bad behavior immediately. You've known the risk, the bad side, but why you still do that? Take hidayah from Allah. Start from now, mas, so that you will be usual to pray together and on time. I hope you get sholehah mate. However, before you marry I hope you've been realized your bad behavior then you change it into the good behavior.

ayah, ibu, and me love you ({{{}}})

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