Thursday, April 23, 2015

Alhamdulillah :')

Ya Allah ya Rabb, Alhamdulillah, terima kasih ya Allah... hari ini sungguh subhanallah :')

there are so many activities and occurrences I have passed today.  Lectures and Practicums have been passed. Activities which are running smoothly. It won't happen without Your power. Besides that, I see a premature baby in the incubator RSISA which is pushed by two nurses. It is quite heartbreaking. Although the baby haven't been able to speak even he is less healthy, he can motivate me subtly. Thank you so much Ya Allah, You have remind me again with all favors which You have given to me. Other unforgettable moment is when I know that English presentation is procrastinated into tomorrow. Ya Allah, it is really really ease and miracles barrage for me :')

Alhamdulillah ya Allah, ya Allah, ya Allah ({{{}}})



Indeed aaaalllll things have been planned and written in Lauh Mahfudz. Subhanallah, ya Allah ({}) Alhamdulillah :)))

Ya Allah, Ya Rasulullah ({})

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Subhanallah :')

Subhanallah, today and monday are unpredictable days for me...

Allah has planned all things and activities for ummah. 

I hope those are good sign for me..

Alhamdulillah :)

I feel happy to see him happy and smile :) 

I hope he knows, Ya Allah :')

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Happy Graduation! :)

Congratulation for your graduation! :) 

I also feel happy with your graduation my senior. I hope you will reach all the best for you and always birul walidain :)

Sometimes I'm confuse why you look like avoiding me. When I had some activities in the outdoor - bandungan, such as calisthenics, games, etc, you used to avoid me. That's never mind. I still have good feeling to you..  

I just hope the best for all people, including y h a...

Saturday, April 4, 2015


Ayantut, sabar ya... ayantut jalannya agak susah karena luka.. tapi kalo ayantut sabar dan ngga ngeluh, ini bisa menghapus dosa-dosa ayah dan menjadi ladang pahala buat ayah.. semangat ayantuuut, semoga cepet sembuh ya aamiin aamiin :')