Sunday, April 9, 2017

Alhamdulillah selesai :")

Assalamu'alaykum wr wb..

The activities that I wasn't imagined previously. I just only wanted to help Bu Azizah, my biochemistry's teacher. Actually, at the beginning, I had doubt that I could be a moderator of english debate competition. I had never joined debate competition, moreover the english one. I just thought that, I was so selfish if I didn't help Bu Azizah, whereas Bu Azizah always help me each biochemistry practicum. So finally, I joined it.

The day came. I did some things. I also did bad things there :""" however Bu Dina gave me solution, Bu Aang gave me support and reminder, masya Allah :""" I learned to be more careful, to solve your problem at the end, just continue the next by doing the correct ones, and don't be panick, don't overwhelm the person who does wrong thing just making good cooperation.
That's so a great experience :"") thank you so much, alhamdulillah ya Allah.. Then I wrote the name who hadn't had a turning number. After that Bu Dina asked help to Pak Carna. Alhamdulillah he wanted to help us, especially because of me :""""

Then, alhamdulillah, it's so interesting to be a moderator and time keeper for english debate competition of university and high school..

Then, I also did a wrong thing when I was asked by a college student of Muhammadiyah Palembang University. She asked me about the sertificate, whether could be taken or not at Saturday evening. Then I said, it couldn't be taken. Actually, I didn't know wheter it had been able or not, but because she had been in a hurry, so I just answered the spontaneous answer. After that I went to secretariate, Bu Aang said that the sertificate could be taken at that time. Astaghfirullah hal 'adzim :"" then mba yuli made me more feeling false. I asked Bu Aang for the solution, she said that Bu Nurul had a contact person of each university and senior high school. After I got the number of Bu Nurul from her, I called her. Bu Nurul said that Mas Adin also had the contact person of each school. I asked to him. Apparently, He had a number of wakil dekan. Then I asked help to ask the vice decanat about the contact person of Muhammadiyah Palembang University. After that, around 8 pm, mba yuli, I, and some friends still became a moderator and time keeper. Then, alhamdulillah mas Adin got the number, then he came to the debate room, in order that I could finish my problem. Alhamdulillah it could be solved.

The good experience, I could know mas Adhit, more talking to the other L.O. committee.

On this morning, I came late but I was asked by Pak Carna to enter the room in order to be moderator amd time keeper. The semi final had been finished.

Then the grand final, I was also asked by Pak Carna to enter the room where the motion or theme of debate was launched, whereas there were many other L.O. there. But never mind, because I could see the final debate and felt the (ketegangan, is it nervousness?).

After finished the debate, Nia as a time keeper and I as a moderator, still waited the adjudicator discussed about the participant. Pak Carna had been gone toward the room, waited the adjudicator. I just could say, that it hadn't been finished.

However, alhamdulillah the event had been finished, I got new learning, experience, friends, and other mature people, having good cooperation.

Following some photos of me and my frineds.

6 am till 9 pm on Saturday, 8.30 till 14.00 on Sunday.
Alhamdulillah, the event had finished and Unissula got the 1st winner of speech, thank you so much Fathia :"")

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Alhamdulillah, lovely moments :"")

Assalamu'alaykum wr wb..

This is some my lovely moments during 5 weeks :""")
There is a story behind each photo :"")
Alhamdulillah, thank you so much :"")